Chapter 35

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Nothing is impossible
To a willing heart
-John Heywood

Thea's POV

It was almost time for my parents to leave. I was going out to buy take out food as I bumped into someone with their back turned towards me.

"I'm so-, Alec? "

"I have been trying to reach you all morning, are you ignoring me? "

"Fuck no, I don't know where my phone is"

"Are you mad at me? " he made a cute face

"No I actually wanted to apologize"

"Me too. I shouldn't have left like that, I wanted to tell you I believe you about the whole thing with Alison, you don't need to compromise with me or my fam-"

"I want to...i want to make everything better for us and thinking about it now I have hurt people along the way too and Alison might be one of them"

"Babyy" Alec hugged me

"By the way I told my mom about us"

"What? What did she say??"

"She was shocked at first, then she asked me if you were treating me well"

"What did you say?"

"The truth"

"That is? "

"That you treat me like a queen"

"I am sorry for yesterday"

"Don''s good that we fight. I willing to take on the challenge"

"What challenge?"


"Our relationship is a challenge for you?"

"Yes, you know why my relationships never last? Mitchell made me realise that it's because the moment I have to enter and welcome the other person's world I give up, probably because I was never comfortable in my own world but I won't let that happen to us because I want this.....forever" I waited for him to answer but he didn't

"Why are you quite ?"

"I don't know what to say. Fate, faith or wish I don't know what worked now that I have you"

Alec's POV

Dropping off Thea's parents at the airport felt like a huge step for our relationship.

As they were about to leave Dan dragged me aside asking to help him with some bags

"Where are the ba-"

"There is no bag, I know you are dating Thea"

I nearly choked "I thought only Na-"

"I overheard them. Now listen Alec Frederick if you ever hurt my daughter I will forget you are my friend's son and give you a painful, agonizing death"


"But you approve of your relationship right?"

"No absolutely not, I don't want Thea to date anyone let alone someone like you...a Casanova"


"I honestly love her" I said in a small voice

"Apparently so does she, she was all roses talking about you"

"Really?" I blushed before going back to being serious "I will keep her happy"

"And safe"

"And safe"

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