Chapter 36

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Time is the best author
It always writes the perfect endings
-Charlie Chaplin

4 years later

Thea's POV

I swiftly slipped into my dress taking a last glance at the clock. I lightly pressed down my hair smoothing it out. Before leaving my room i checked every possible thing to make sure everything went smoothly

"Oh thank fuck you are here" Alison shouted as I entered the room she was getting ready in "my hair looks like shit, the cake is not here and Ben is not picking up"

"Calm down, I talked to madre Andy is picking up the cake as we talk, last time i checked Alec was with Ben and your hair will be fixed"

"I love you" Alison cried

It was Alison's wedding today, Ben and her reconnected at a friend's wedding and here they are. As you might have already guessed our relationship has gotten a lot better too, she always tend to ignore me until one day when madre locked us up together. I realized how much I bruised her ego sleeping with Sanjay, but nonetheless it was all in the past now.

"We are all done here right?" I asked

"Yes! You should go and check on the others" Ria, Alison's best friend said

I walked to the other side of the hotel where the groom was, but honestly I was not going to check up on him because Sam and Jeremy were already there I was going to meet Alec..... My Alec

It's weird how I still feel excited to meet him every single time even after 4yrs. He has a weird way of making me feel at ease. I never actually could bring myself to believe everything falls in place as we grow when Mitchell said it but with Alec everything does feel in place. We don't quite live the most luxurious life, neither are we a perfect couple who don't fight nor are our friends and families perfect but one thing is for sure I am happy.

I slightly knocked on the door before I entered his room. I was a bit awkward as the first thing I saw as I entered was his naked body

"Hey" I said trying to be subtle

"I missed you" He hugged me

"You are wet, get away from me"

"We have been in way more awkward positions than this"


"And excuse me how hot can you look? "

"Very very hot" I sensually whispered in his years

"I think you know better than to tease me when you look this hot" He pulled me closer

"We really don't have the time for this, your sister is getting married in half an hour"

"Still don't see a problem"

"I need to call dad and Gia, they probably lost their way here"

As I said we are not a perfect family though my dad is trying to be more involved. Coming to Gia she doesn't pretend like she loves me lot which I personally really appreciate, we both respect each other and that's about it. On the other hand my mother is doing way better as she is really living on her own terms, I don't see her often as she is travelling with all sorts of cases to fight but thankfully she got the time to come today.
Soon it was time for Alison and Ben to make their relationship legal. Everybody was in awe as they said their lovey dovey vows as Alec and i looked at each other. His eyes always held enormous amount of emotions as he looked at me, but today it was very subtle, very soft.

"You may kiss the bride"

There were cheers and claps everywhere as they shared a passionate kiss. I continued looking at Alec smiling shyly at Alison.

It was not long after people gathered on after having lunch for the boquet toss. Girls cheered forming a thick crowd as I stood sheepishly at the side.

Alison stood in her position to throw the bouquet motioning to throw it high up without actually doing it. She calmly turned around and walked towards me.

"Wh- wh-"

She smiled brightly as she pushed the bouquet in my hands and turned me around to see Alec on his knees

Alec's POV

As Claire was preparing for Alison's wedding I was preparing to propose her. I made sure everyone knew except her. These past 4yrs have been complete bliss, living with her made me feel a plethora of things and if it's at all possible I love her even more than i used to.

Claire's eyes bulged out as she saw me on my knees, I tried really hard to understand if she was going to say yes but couldn't.

"My life is incomplete without you, I can comprehend living without oxygen but not you. I want to wake up to you saying 'get up you lazy ass', I want to come back home after an exhausting day to our beautiful smile and whisper in your ears just how much I love you before I fall asleep. Be mine Claire, marry me? "

My heart was beating so fast I thought my chest will burst. I looked at Claire to hear a simple yes but absolutely failed to read her face. The calmness in her face made me scared.

Claire's crystal blue moved from my clueless face to the ring in my hand, then swiftly to her mother standing in the corner alone to her father and gia just beside her holding hands. Finally she looked back at me smiling shyly "Yes!"

Putting the ring on her finger, I pulled her in for a kiss. And just like that we were engaged.

Third person's POV

In the past four years many things had evolved as it usually does as time passes, but the most noticible one was in Thea. There was a certain calmness in her that drew everyone's attention. After running a thousand mile when the participants runs through the ribbon and finally wins, that kind of calmness.

Thea had never been an easy person to deal with, especially with her mother's temperament. All her life she thought she wasn't good enough, she kept seeking for validation until Alec

Alec was that wall for her that a thousand bulldozers could not tear down. Alec understood Thea like no one ever did and for Alec Thea was someone no one could ever be.

"Life is not that tough" Thea said

"When you are with the right person no it's not" Alec said as he wrapped his arms around her .

The end

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