Chapter 23

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Go where you breathe free
- butterflies rising

Thea's POV

"My jaw hurts from asking people how they are doing" i complained to Sam

"Aww have something" he inserted a mint honey lamb in my mouth

"Hi! You are Thea right?" A guy who looked a bit older than me asked me

"Yes and you are?"

"Joseph Franco" he extended his hand

"Nice to meet you" i said as i shook his hand

"I heard you want to be an entrepreneur"

"I have heard that too" he gave out a sexy chuckle

"I am a businessman myself."


"You can also call me if you need anything you know"

"I think she is fine and if you don't mind I'll borrow her " i would have declined myself but i don't know from where Alec swooped in


"Thank you" with that Alec took me away

"I just saved you from a creep"

"Nah he was not a creep, he was older and hotter" i decided to tease him

"When was the last time you checked your eyes?"

"Few minutes earlier while applying mascara" before he could answer it was time for cutting the cake

Everybody cheered as they cut the cake and ofcourse I had to be there. I was forced into clicking pictures before the music started and most people searched for a partner to dance with I as usual I wanted to stay out of it.

"Can I have a dance with you?" Joseph once again extended his hand

"Uhm ac..."

"Actually I was going to accompany her to the dance floor. See you later" Alec held my hand softly and took me to the dance floor.

He gently placed his hands above my hips and placed my hands on his shoulder as we swayed to the music

"Your most welcome Claire" i frowned "I saved you again"

"You didn't have to"

"Sure sure" I rolled my eyes

Was he jealous?
Why would he be jealous?
But why is he behaving like this then?

"You have something here" my chain of thought was broken as I saw lipstick spot just beside his lips

It was Amy's ofcourse

"Is it gone?" He said trying to rub it off

"No. Here" i gently rubbed it off as he looked at me with his beautiful eyes

"So how is the party treating you?"

"Meh and are trying to make small talk?"

"No small talk is for when you are not comfortable. Are you not comfortable?"

"To be honest I am really comfortable"

"The credit goes to me ofcourse"


Everyone suddenly started cheering cutting off our conversation it was because my parents were dancing romantically

"They look so happy together"

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