Chapter 14

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Love is like a wind
You don't see it
But you can feel it
- Nicholas Sparks

Thea's POV

I was going about my day with my thoughts filled with Andy. As far as I know him he is very strong but today he looked as vulnerable as ever.

"Ms. Hart" I hear Mr.Smith's voice


"Do you know Ryan Scott? He is from your department"


"Please give this to him and tell him I want to meet him"


I knew Ryan was at the football practice as the match was tomorrow. So I went to the football ground.

The guys were practicing, I spotted Alec almost unintentionally but couldn't see Ryan. I also noticed Andy's absence.

"Excuse me miss can I know why you are here?" The coach asked me

"I am here to meet Ryan, Mr. Smith sent me here"

"Wait here. He'll be here soon"

I don't want to stand here for long because A) Few guys are winking at me and B) Alec continuously lifting his jersey to dry off his sweat and showing off his abs was not helping.

And at this point when I was already annoyed standing under the sun, a guy mumbled something in Alec's ears and he looked at me, probably because I was staring at him.

"Hey babe! Came to meet me?" Ryan threw his arms around me and Alec moved his intense gaze.

"Came to give you this. Mr. Smith wants to meet you"

"Oh thanks"

"Talk to you later"

I literally ran out. I don't know why I felt knots in my stomach.

I went to baked and fried before going back to my dorm. Taking my usual cappuccino I decided to take the long way home.

I was passing my the children's park when I saw someone. Someone I know......Andy. What the fuck?

The person in front of me was not someone I knew from months. This was someone else , the stud I know was not the person in front of me

Andy was weeping like a five year old, his face hidden in his hand , he looked helpless absolutely helpless.

I put my hand on his shoulder, he looked up at me his eyes brimming with tears.

"Thea" he could only manage to say my name. Before I could ask anything he wrapped his hands around my waist and put his head on my stomach continuing to weep.

"It's gonna be alright. Whatever it is, it's gonna be alright before you know." I stroked his hair.

I didn't really have friends till I got to college and I cherish these people more than I have cherished anyone in my life. I wouldn't let some stupid ass person make my friend cry. Room 359 you should have known better.

After a few minutes he stopped crying and freed me from his embrace.

"Wanna talk?"

He just shook his head

"It's okay. I don't need to know" I rubbed his back.

After sitting there in silence for sometime we left for our dorm

"Can I buy you anything to eat?"

"No thanks"

"Andy....I don't know what happened but you can't stop functioning. I will pack you some food, you don't have to eat now, eat when you want"

"I don't want to hear anything" Andy opens and closes his mouth

I did buy him some sushi and went back to my dorm. I had to know who stays in 359. It's his business, I would have loved to stay out of this. How dare she make my friend cry?

I didn't know any better so I went to the dorm.

Knock knock knock

A girl opened the door. She had dead straight hair , brown beady eyes and an extremely curvaceous body

" are Thea right the so called hot girl. You are not that hot. Anyways what do you want from me? "

"What have you done to Andy?"


"Andy, don't you dare act dumb"

"Who the fuck is Andy?"

"Tell me the truth"

"Fuck you. Get out" she tried to close the door but I stopped it.

"Bloody bitch" she tried to push me but before I could break her hand into thousand pieces someone held my hand......Alec. Taking this opportunity she closed the door.

"What are you doing?" Alec said still holding my hand

"I will kill her" I tried banging the door again but Alec stopped. He dragged me to my dorm.

"Why did you stop me?"

"Because I don't want you to get a transfer certificate"

"Like you care" I whispered



"Why were you ready to kill Liela?"

"She looked like one of your one night stand"

"Fine let your anger out on me but I am not leaving without knowing what happened"

I don't know for how long we actually sat there in silence but it felt like ages.

I look beside me, Alec was comfortably lying down and playing games. I cleared my throat to gain his attention

"Oh you are ready to speak."

"You have to keep this a secret"


"This is serious Alec"

"I know you Claire, I know you won't act like that if it was not serious"

And the fucking knot is back. I really need to see a doctor

I narrated the whole story and he listened like he was a 5yrs old

"Don't get me wrong. But it's his life"

"I know but I cannot stop thinking about it and someone made my friend cry, I am not leaving that woman alone"

"I understand but don't you think you should talk to Andy first?"

"He is not in a situation to speak. I will not order them to do anything I will just sweetly make Liela or whoever understand how amazing Andy is"

"You almost hitting her is sweet?"

"Okay that was dumb. I am not going to mess it up I swear"

"You are not doing anything without asking me"

"Don't involve yourself in this"

"I got involved the moment I stopped you from hitting her. And are you sure Leila is the only one staying at 359?"


"What should we do now?"

"We are not doing anything till the football match"

"Okay cool. I should go now, I need to meet Amy "

"This is our secret don't tell this to anyone"

"No one will know anything and we will continue doing whatever we have to"

The moment Alec completed his sentence, we heard a wierd sound from outside. Alec opened the door but no one was there.

"That's wierd" Alec mumbled


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