Scene 5 - Thunderbird Shadow Is Go!

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The music commences. Kayo is sat on the two black seats, the same for which the launch process for Thunderbird 3 would occur. She is lowered downwards and proceeds along the passage. We continue the stock footage of seeing Kayo's eyes, followed by the robotic arms placing his gear on. Now, Kayo travels in the Shadow Bike via a tunnel to her Thunderbird's launch area where the bike ascends to the main body of the ship. After finishing setting her controls, she is then carried backwards on a turntable and up a wall via a rail. The turntable then rotates 180 degrees, so the craft's nose faces up, just as the wall flips around to take the ship outdoors. 5...4...3...2...1! KABOOM! Her rockets boom and her craft is released. Thunderbird Shadow then swoops away from Tracy Island speedily.


Thunderbird Shadow is Go!

Her craft rises into the sky, as John contacts her.


Kayo, the World President wishes to speak to you.


Put him straight on, John!



The holographic image of the World President displays.

World President:

Kayo, I want you to assist in the security of the TX206 stored in Archangel, destination North-West Russia. As this substance is highly lethal and destructive and stored some miles underground, it could make for a likely target for the Hood. Lady Penelope will be stationed at the International Bank of Russia stored in St. Petersburg.


Mr. President, do we have any defence underground against the Hood?

World President:

Negative. But, we have to do our best to capture or stop his machine. Ms. Kyrano, I've sent out a worldwide alert that your uncle is to be taken down preferably dead and all his associates.


I understand, World President. The decision is yours. International Rescue isn't going to involved in killing the Hood if that's what you mean.

World President:

Of course not. Your duty is to save people. And by helping protect World Security, you will be saving billions of lives on this planet.


We are at your disposal, Mr. President.

Thunderbird Shadow whizzes off into the distance. Back on Tracy Island, Virgil and Alan remain sat back on the sofas watching the situation.


You know Alan, in a situation, I had never felt so unhelpful before.


I know. We're not doing anything here.


But as the World President said, our job is to save lives, not become a spy network and hunt down the Hood. But usually, on a rescue mission that's underwater, I would have dropped the pod for Gordon and be helping him survey the land around for him.


Well boys, you just sit tight. In case there is a mission, we can still use Thunderbirds 2 and 3 to assist in the situation. Come to think of it... Brains!

His holographic image appears in the lounge. We have shots of the lounge and the laboratory. Behind Brains is MAX and Captain Taylor who were busy helping complete work on the Zero XL, but now seem to be focused on part of the rescue.


Err, yes, Mr. Tracy?


How's the schematical breakdown of the drilling machine coming?


Well, err... Mr. Tracy... this design is a v-very similar design to that of o-our own Po-Pod vehicle, the M-Mole. The err, only difference in it is that it's essentially a much la-larger vehicle in scale, and t-travels at a far faster rate.

Captain Taylor:

What he's basically trying to say it's that it's the same old god damn thing from Thunderbird 2 and is just a little faster, a little bigger, and a little more advance.

MAX bleeps.


Oh yes, M-MAX. I-its seems uncanny as to why it m-might be so similar, but M-MAX has a-a feeling as to why it is so similar.

Captain Taylor:

Not just in terms of shape, form, and function, but also its inner workings, propulsion, gearing system, shielded fusion reactor, acoustic detector, bearing systems, thermal imaging systems, and all that tarnation that Brains has fixed up.


It might have well of b-been someone has created an exact d-duplicate or stolen the des-designs of the Mole pod.

Captain Taylor:

Or it could be Jeff that someone has attained special knowledge of the Mole and its principles and has copied it.


That means that we must have had a security leak. And quite some time ago too. Someone may have copied our vehicles.


And they could be pretending like they're us so they can copy our rescues.


Or were so impressed with our ships that they want to use our ships to do their evil bidding.


Could be, boys. But we just don't know. We just don't know...

Thunderbirds Are Go!: Goodbye, International RescueWhere stories live. Discover now