PART 3 - Scene 1 - You fool

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(Previously on Thunderbirds Are Go!)



KABOOM! POW! BOOM! BAM! Rocks launch into the air and splashes into the ocean. Tracy Island had been annihilated once and for all. Now we are back into the Mole vehicle with the Hood and his accomplices.


You fool! You stupid boy!


I'm... I'm sorry! I – I... I didn't mean... I thought it was for...


Swallow it up son! This is your fault! If you had been more careful.


I think in this instance discretion is the better part of valour.


Very well sir. Adapting Mole vessel to the main body of the R.Y Carrier now, sir.

We see the Mole parked on the ocean floor. As tailwinds extend from the out of the vessel, the fins are attached at the back The driller is reversed back into the craft, and the craft now looks more like the R.Y Aircraft the Mal and Russy were collected up with. The only difference now is that the craft has been adapted from its Mole appearance, but its huge size and presence still remain. It blasts from the ocean floor and soars through and out of the sea into the sky quickly. Meanwhile, we are back in Tracy Island. It hadn't been destroyed. In the lounge, Virgil presents the holographic image of the island and Mateo Island with it. Within a mile, we see that there has been some form of explosion by a pile of rocks. The Mechanic continues holding Alan in a restrained position.


Phew! That explosion was a little close.


What has happened?


Seems as though the Hood planted a bomb in the wrong area. He was meant to target us, but instead, he put the bombs on a pile of large rocks. How he did it is past me. With the TX206 he would have had to have a craft that we should have been able to detect.



We see Brains in the lab again making a schematic of the Piranha vessel.


Well, err... Mr. Tracy... this s-sub is v-virtually undetect-table like their M-Mole design b,because to our instruments, the c-craft doesn't exist. The G-GDF has somehow been able to ca-camouflage these crafts.


You mean their origin is from the GDF.


C-correct, Mr. Tracy. And I think they have a l-lot to answer for about what l-lies at the bottom of the Lake District.


You still don't stand a chance. Not that I have one of you as my hostage. And you know what I would do to him if you came a foot closer.


Oh we do, alright. But you'd better explain everything to us that the Hood has been up to. I think this scheme has proven to be most ingenious.

Sherbet has entered around the corner and is aware of the situation. Lady Penelope looks at him and then nodding her head to the Mechanic. This is a cue for Sherbet to tackle down the Mechanic, and combined with his quietness and small shape, he can easily sneak up towards him slowly along the wall.


It is of no relevance to you, Mr. Tracy. Your only usefulness now to my masters if your demise. The bombs might not have detonated as planned, but the Thunderbirds are all still doomed to failure.


What? With the GDF on their way and with full permission from the World President to put down the Hood and all his associates?

There is a major distraction, nearly giving away Sherbet's tactic. The diagram shows something hurriedly accelerating away up from the water. The dog hides and looks to Lady Penelope, who smiles at Sherbet, who then stealthily carries on with the operation.


I'm picking up a ship that is accelerating up from the depths. A R.Y. Carrier. This is the same ship that was the Mole but has now adapted its function to now fly through the air. And this was the same craft that carried the Condor vessels, the ship that collected the two crew members, and that stored the Piranhas aboard. Seems like they have turned their chameleon circuits off, or it has broken. And now they're stuck with what they have.


That mother and son. It was all a ploy!


Precisely. Fortunately, I was sent down with Thunderbird 4 to help rescue out the survivors. Once the sub had fallen down to the required level that we needed to distract International Rescue in finding us. The boy found a way up to the ocean bed and planted the bombs when they were quickly sailed to us from Archangel. When he returned, he infected me with the virus that has enabled the Hood to tap into my head again. And once he has activated the virus from becoming dormant, I am now returned into his services for good.

Sherbet has wagged his tail, growling, and behind the Mechanic at last. He jumps! CHOMP!


Alan is freed, and quickly rushes away from the Mechanic, now down on the ground suffering serious injury. Jeff pulls out a gun, as one identical to the International Rescue guns of the classic Thunderbirds and stuns the Mechanic with it. He quickly loses consciousness as Sherbet stops attacking him.


Well done, Sherbet!

He barks loudly in happiness.


Right. Boys, take the Mechanic down to the lab. Brains!

Thunderbirds Are Go!: Goodbye, International RescueWhere stories live. Discover now