Scene 8 - Reversing the Polarity

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Scott has returned back to Thunderbird 1. He sits back in his chair and blasts Thunderbird 1 back up into the air. Once high enough, he blasts his ship up and accelerating as fast as the other missiles. Back in Ragnarok, the Hood and the others are being taken away. Their hands are on their head and are being escorted by armed GDF personally. The Mechanic is being helped by the International Rescue personnel. Jeff has contacted Brains back at Tracy Island. Virgil has begun scanning the instrumentation of the damaged General to transmit holographically to Brains in his laboratory.


Brains, we have the Mechanic. What now?

Brains begins surveying and analyzing the controls and panels.


A-al-lright. The M-Mechanic has been programmed with a v-virus under a system that h-has altered his b-b-brain patterns under a protocol named the Bi-Big Thought Operation Con-converter. To re-restore his patterns to n-normal, you-you need to reverse the pol-polarity of the B-Big TOC.


And how do we do that?


This com-computer can re-reprogram that device by returning it to the com-computer. I'll ex-p-plain what you must do then.


You might be able to restore the Mechanic's original thoughts and brain patterns, but you'll never be able to save both London and your home. Chose International Rescue – Tracy Island, or the city of London!

Thunderbird 1 dashes to the right of the screen. Scott is in contact with his father and John in Thunderbird 5.


Thunderbird 1 to space station, John I'm tracking two rockets that have been fired in the Atlantic Ocean. One is headed for London; the other is for Tracy Island.


I'm tracking her as well. I assume you're headed for the one in Westminster – the Houses of Parliament. The Prime Minister is currently in a full house of 650 people inside. You have two minutes!


We've gotta stop that missile first. I'm gaining on it fast. But will it be fast enough?

We see the rocket dashing towards the right, followed by a shot of Thunderbird 1, then back to the rocket. Back at Ragnarok, the cylinder device that can alter brain patterns has been retrieved. Alan, Kayo, and Parker hold the Mechanic up as Lady Penelope, Sherbet, and Jeff watch as Virgil aims the device at the Mechanic's face.


O-ok. Now, V-Virgil, press the button m-marked in the centre and a-aim it directly into the-the-the eyes of the M-Mechanic.


F.A.B. Here goes!

DDDDZZZZZZZ!!!!!! The Mechanic yells out, and suddenly his patterns have been returned to normal. He struggles and breaths heavily, before looking around confused and bewildered.


Ugh! Huh? What... what am I doing here?


Brains! You've done it! Well done!

Thunderbird 1 has approached alongside the rocket aimed for London. We see in the far distance, Big Ben, the London Eye, the Chard, skyscrapers, St. Paul's Cathedral to name a few.


Scott, you have one minute. Carefully tilt the rocket upwards so it will head up into space.


F.A.B. Here I go!

Thunderbird 1 descends underneath the rocket, as we hear the rocket's engines grow louder and louder whilst the sight of Big Ben becomes far, far bigger! Scott pulls up carefully, with his topside stabilizing fin, tilts the rocket up. It begins heading up and up and up! We see the monument of Big Ben and Thunderbird 1 and the rocket aiming high into the clouds. Thunderbird 1 shoots up with it, and up past cloud cover. Now clear, Scott blasts Thunderbird 1 back at maximum speed to Tracy Island to chase the other rocket.

John, what now?


The substances inside the rocket will cause it to disintegrate when they mix high enough in Earth's atmosphere.


F.A.B! Now for that other rocket! Afterburners on!

Scott throws down his booster controls and causes Thunderbird to fire off to save Tracy Island...

Thunderbirds Are Go!: Goodbye, International RescueWhere stories live. Discover now