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Kaitlyn POV (Smackdown)

Today me and Aj are having another match but we're going against each other. Then I spotted her in good shape.

"Were the hell were you!?!" I said worried and angery at the same time.

"Stephanie said that I could take a break and to come back when I'm ready because of the schedule." Aj replied. So technically I was wrong I don't know why I accused the shield.

"Ok , but get ready, we have a match against each other." I said running to the gorilla.


"Listen pipsqueak, don't tell anyone what's going on, alright." Seth said seriously.

"Got it." I said but before I can leave Dean grabs me and drags me to his lockeroom.

"Dean not now, I have a match in a few minutes." I said but that didn't stop Dean because he took off my shorts and started going ruff.

"AAAHHHH FUCK!!!, BABY GO FASTER!!!!" I pleased and he went faster and to be honest, he's the only member of the sheild who can fuck and I think I have a little crush on him. Something about him turns me on but back to reality. I hopped off of dean and sucked on his dick. And it tasted good.

"Ahhhhh fuck Aj." Dean said. I kind of chocked on his dick but like I said, it was worth it. After we were done I put my shorts back on and skipped to the gorrilo and just in time, my music played. Oh shit I have that sex smell on me. I hope kaitlyn doesn't smell anything.

Kaitlyn POV

Aj came skipping down the ramp and into the ring. Then I smelled something, and it was like a sex smell. Oh my god Aj had sex with someone,but who would it be?

( the match)

I put Aj in a headlock but she pushed me back and did a clothesline. She kicked me in the face and went for the pin. I kicked out at 2 and she grabbed me by my hair and threw me in a corner. She was about to jump on me but I moved out the way and she banged her head on the metal thing. I went for the pin but she kicked out at 2. I threw her into a corner and I ran into the metal thing and my head hurts like hell. Then she did her famous black widow on me and I tapped out quickly.


I skipped back to my lockeroom and found a note and it read:

Hey Aj, I just wanted to let you know that you were great out there. Oh and you have to wait until we get done with our natch so we can leave.

P.S. Wear something I can slip off of you ;)
From Dean.

So now I have to wait on their dumasses. All I'm doing is playing mortal kombat. Then there was a knock at the door. And it was .,.........

Instagram: @bts.taexx

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