I'm pregnant

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Kaitlyn just came back from the store to buy 3 pregnancy test. I peed in a cup and waited for 3 minutes. I looked at the results and they were all positive.

"KAITLYN I'M PREGNANT!!!!" I said jumping up and down and then jumped on her.

"Then we can't eat junk together anymore until the baby,but other than that I'm proud." Kaitlyn said even though she was right we could still watch movies. Then the doorbell ranged in my ear. I opened the door to find Dean with a tux on,a dozen roses, and Roman with a billboard saying 'Be My Girlfriend Again' and I couldn't help but cry.

"Short-stack listen,Nikki came by with some sort of drug and stabbed me in the neck to make it look like she was you and that's what happened. Please forgive me,I love you to much to cheat on you,I also want to give these to you." He hands my the roses and I jumped on him and started kissing him that's when I heard Kaitlyn drive off with Roman.

"Dean I have to tell you that......I'm pregnant." As soon as I told him that,he picks me up and spun me around. He came inside and kissed me with passion. I broke the kiss and Dean looked confused.

"Not today." I said, I think I'll make him be on punishment for what he did.

Dean POV

Aj just stopped me from kissing her,I can understand why but I hope this doesn't go on. I mean like c'on who wouldn't have sex with Aj and suck on those beautiful tits?

Sorry I have to babysit, so I'm going to leave it here.

Instagram: @bts.taexx

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