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"You're gonna be okay." I smile, though he can't see me.

"This is all his fault. He tore apart our whole family and n—"

"It's moms fault too. Not just his. She let it get like this because all she's fucking worried about her damn addiction." I scoff. "Has he tried to touch you?"

"No." he replies. "I've been hiding in my room so they don't see much of me."

I sigh at the fact my little brother has to deal with this all by himself. "It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna contact aunt Neveah and see if you'd be able to stay with her for a bit."

"Can I play just come stay with you and grandpa?"

I take a long pause, falling right back into the stress and worry I just got rid off. "Carter you can't, I'm sorry. You know he's in the hospital and you can't come stay with me but I promise next year I'm coming to get you."

"I'm counting on you."

"I promise."


I brush past a group of blonde bimbos, grabbing their attention.

"Sin Parker!"

Scoffing, I ignore their need to talk to me by walking into the store. Milk. That's all I need. I shuffle through the crowd and make my way down to the cold aisle where the milk sits.

"What about chocolates?"

"That and this stuffed horse!"

My head turns as I hear familiar voices, and to my surprise, I see Aisha's friends. Without an Aisha. Curiosity kills me so I walk over to them without any hesitation. "Where's Aisha at?" I speak up.

They look up at me, studying my features that remain the same as I wait for an answer. "She's not feeling her best so we decided to surprise her with some goodies." the red head chirps. "Freya, by the way."

"Camilla." The brunette introduces.

"I don't care who y'all are, I was just asking where Aisha was. Not your names." I say with stern in my voice, taking them by surprise. "What do you mean not feeling her best? Is she okay?"

Camilla rubs the back of her neck in nervousness. "I don't know if we—"

"Aisha and I are good friends." I smirk, manipulating the two idiots in front of me that are oblivious.

"Today's just a rough day. She gets them sometimes, just ptsd moments from the accident." Camilla explains. "She's getting through it."

I push my eyebrows together. "What's her number?"


"I never got it. She was in a rush to get home so I wasn't able to catch her in time." I reply.

The girls look at each other as if they're talking through their eyes, which they probably are. Women.

They stand there, debating whether they should tell me or not, but that's when I see Freya's eyes soften before looking back at me.

"Here," she pulls out her phone and shows me a number that belongs to 'Feyre'.


"Like fairy

"Fairy." A little smile tugs at my lips. I punch in the numbers and create her as a contact.

"We should get going. We'll let her know we bumped into you since y'all are such good... friends." Freya asks unsurely.

I nod, walking off and hearing the whispers behind me. Though, U could care less about how people think of me. Not like I haven't heard it before, if not worst.

I grab the milk and walk my ass up to the self checkout, scanning the barcode and inserting my card afterwards.

Once paid, I grab the bag and walk out, showing my receipt to the decaying old woman checking. Yikes.

I get into my car and pull out my phone, tapping on the new contact I just made.

Hey fairy, it's Sin. Your little girlfriends gave me your number. Give me a call when you can

I keep my phone in my left hand as I drive with my right. Ive pretty much mastered texting and driving, I mean I'm not a dick about it... haven't caused any accidents so I'm pretty much a gosh dang legend.

That's when I feel my hand buzz, conveniently at a red light.

Incoming call from Fairy 🧚🏼‍♀️

I chuckle at the name before answering.

"Fairy?" I hear laughter on the other side of the phone.

"Glad to hear you laughing. Heard you were upset... why's that?" I turn on my blinker right before I turn, like a jackass.

Down here, nobody likes when you use your blinker last minute. It's quite hilarious to me too. Then again, no accident right?

"I don't know..."

I raise an eyebrow despite the fact she can see it. "You know. What's wrong? Do you want me to come over?"

There's a long pause on the line until I hear a little huff. "I'd like that, actually."

"Shoot me your address, I'll head over now." I state before hanging up on her. What? I'm driving, remember?

My phone dings as I receive the address. I instantly recognize the street so I head over that way without even needing google maps.

Big flex.

You're not a teenager anymore, Sin. Shut the fuck up.

I spot the house number given, so I drive up the driveway, texting Aisha to let her know I'm here.

And that's then her small, thin frame walks out the door, coming to greet me.

"Hi." she looks up at me, red faced and teary eyed.

As much as I hate to say it, my heart kinda breaks at this sight. I'll admit, usually I'm a heartless bastard, but I know this girl.

When I saved her, she was this vulnerable, and I hate to say it, but dying kid. Crying into my chest and beating me up over the fact we couldn't go back to her parents that were, unknowingly to her, dead.

She poured blood all over my body and screaming so long I'm sure Australia could hear. Obviously I don't blame her, but I think that's what's making me feel so connected to her, yknow?

I saved her life and she doesn't even know it.

It's nice that way.

"Everything okay? What's wrong?" I wrap my arms around her, holding her frail body in my arms as she soaks my shoulder. "Hey, there's no need to cry, yeah?"

"I should've saved them." she sobs.

"Saved? Saved who?" I ask in confusion, but she's at the point she can't breathe anymore. "Fairy, you gotta speak up. I want to help you. Saved who?"

She collects herself, taking my hand and leading me to a wooden bench swing where we sit down and she takes a minute to breathe. "My parents."

I look at her, frowning.

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