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"What do you mean?" he chokes on his words.

I hiccup, trying to find the right words to express myself without sounding mental. "When that person rescued me, I left my parents behind and that's something I'll never forgive myself for." tears dwell in my eyes.

He looks taken back, trying to form words. "You said you couldn't walk—"

"I couldn't. I was begging the guy to save my parents as well but nothing came out of it. I regret so much from that night, no, from that day. There was so much I could've don't that would've prevented us getting into that accident. I should've stayed with my parents..." I look down, playing with my fingers.

"Aisha..." he trails off. "Nobody could've survived that. Nobody did survive that besides you. That impact you suffered, your parents were gone—"

"And you know that, how?" I stand up, growing furious. "You weren't there!"

"I don't have to be there to know." he stands up as well. "An accident like that is something you would die on the spot—"

"Well I could've got them to the hospital! I could've... I could've helped him. I could've tried! Instead, I left them." I pause. "And that's something I'll never forgive myself for. You wouldn't know because you weren't there, Sin." I break down, storming off into the house and locking the doors, sliding down with my head in my hands.


I could've helped them.

They could've lived.


I pop my pill in my mouth, hoping for it to kick in soon as I can relax.

It's the next day and I'm still on the edge. Sin was banging on the door for five minutes trying to talk to me before just leaving all together.

I'm pathetic.

Pouring my whole story onto some stranger that I know absolutely nothing about. He's so hidden and mysterious.

He really could be a serial killer for all I know. It's ridiculous how someone so distant to the world can just... talk things with you for hours, yet, you don't even know their favorite color.

A knock is heard coming from downstairs, snapping me out my thoughts. Cautiously, I peek out my window and look down to see Sin himself.

Sighing, I wipe my face before jogging down the stairs and hesitantly opening the door. "S—"

"I'm sorry. You're right, I wasn't there so I don't know how you felt. I was just trying to comprehend everything and it wasn't fair of me to just tell you something when I don't know. I tried to make you feel better and clearly I came about it the wrong way." he blurts out before I get to even speak.

I sigh. "I'm sorry too. You didn't know and I shouldn't have threw it all at you. You don't even know me and I just poured everything out. I'm sorry for treating you like that, I was just upset and I don't know what to do when I get that way."

"Glad to make amends. C'mon, I wanna do something for you." he motions his hand for me to follow him.

"What?" flabbergasted, I look at him like he's crazy. Which is stupid of me, he literally just said he wants to go do something.

"It'll be fun, trust me. Get out of your bunny slippers and I'll meet you in the car." he walks off.

I look down to see my worn out slippers, causing me to chuckle. Bunny slippers.

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