Trust Me

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It's been a week and I've just been keeping distant from both of the boys as I can't even sit still in my own thoughts.

I don't know what to do. What to think.

Freya and Camilla have been off going to concerts and parties while I've been stuck home crying. My legs are hurting and I just have nobody on by my side anymore.

I feel alone.


I close my eyes just so I can fall asleep early, but they shoot back open when I hear my doorbell go off.

Gulping, I put on my bunny slippers and walk downstairs towards the door.

I open the side curtain a bit to make sure I'm not gonna get kidnapped, but it's only Finn. Hesitantly, I open the door to be met with the face that just sucks me in.

"Look, I know you're upset and confused right now, but I needed to see you." he frowns. "You deserve an explanation about Sin and me."

I stand there blankly as my heart pounds, not knowing what to do. But he's right. I can't sit here crying anymore over two boys beefing.

"Yeah... that'd be great." my voice cracks.

He nods and so I let him in the house, shutting the door behind him and sitting down on the couch. He places his elbows on his thighs and sighs. "Sin and I used to be best friends. Always together."


"One day he just flipped an entire switch and turned into... well, basically the devil. His name really fit him." he takes a breaks. "I didn't know my own best friend anymore. He turned to parties and would shove boos and drugs in my face, peer pressuring me into doing some with him. He started going behind my back and telling everyone things about me to everyone that was meant to stay between just me and him."

"He did that?" I trail off.

He nods and tugs his lips to the side. "He manipulated me. He wasn't the Sin I knew anymore and then his summer here ended so he went back to Chicago." he pauses. "Which is when he poisoned his step father because he caught onto what he was doing back here. Sin tried killing him in a way that didn't make him seem like a murder but once his step dad gained consciousness and survived, he pled this stupid story and used old scars to convince the jury that he was being abused and it was 'self defense'" he uses air quotes. "And that's when his step dad pled guilty."

I sit there with my jaw slightly opened in pure shock.

That's Sin?

He would do all of this?

"I-I don't know what to say, Finn." I stutter, trying to find words.

He shakes his head. "You don't have to say anything. You just gotta trust me, Aisha. Sin isn't at all who he says he is. He's full of lies and I truly believe he hasn't changed from his past. He gets close to people just to shit on them afterwards." he puts his hand on my shoulder, frowning. "Please, believe me. I was there for you that night, I wouldn't lie to you."

My breathing gets heavier. "I just don't understand."

"And that's okay! It's okay not to get it because honestly, I don't either." He hugs me. "You gotta stay away from him... please."

I close my eyes and a tear escapes.


"Everything okay?" Freya sits next to me.

"Yeah." I lie.

"Hey guys!" Finn walks over, sitting on the other side of me. "What's going on?"

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