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"He touched me."

"Carter. Where?"

"He molested me..."

My whole humanity just shuts off.


"What's going on?!" Aisha asks as I speed home through every red light. "Sin!!" I jerk the wheel around a turtle in the road. "Talk to me!"


"For what?! Why?!"

I take a sharp turn onto her street. "JUST STOP! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK IS—" I notice her flinch and begin to look at me with fear in her eyes, causing me to finally take a few deep breaths and lower my tone... for her sake. "I'm sorry. I just... I gotta head over to Ohio to get my little brother."

She doesn't take time to process what I just said, she just jumps up and turns to me. "I want to go with you."

My eyes widen. "Pardon?"

"I know how much Carter means to you and whatever this is, I don't want you to be alone during it." she explains and I just sit there in complete shock. I do want her to go... but I can't find words to form. "I can pack my bag really quickly... okay?"

I gulp and nod. "Okay."

She gives me a soft smile before opening the door and running into her house.

What do I do...?

This is something I've never wanted anyone to ever know... yet, I'm bringing Aisha directly into it.

I know I can trust her... I do. But this is something nobody has ever known and it's disgusting. Pure disgusting.

As I'm lost in thought, I didn't realize Aisha opening the door and jumping in. "Hey... it's gonna be okay!" She sits up and hugs me.

I exhale and pull her away from me. "We're gonna go to my place really quick to gather a few of my things and then we'll hit the road. It's about an eleven hour road trip."

I pull out of her driveway and she nods, throwing her stuff in the back. "We can take turns driving if you'd like."

"I'll be okay. I'd prefer to drive myself anyways... I'll make it nine hours."

She playfully rolls her eyes. "I'm sure."

The car ride is silent, well, I make it that way. I'm full of so much anger that I can't let out right now because of this girl right next to me.

I don't wanna talk and end up blowing up on her because she doesn't anything wrong. Absolutely nothing.

I'm the problem here.


Luca is.

I quickly run into my place and grab the essentials along with just a few clothes.

Before getting into the car, I pull my phone out my pocket and text Carter.

Me :
I'm on my way there now. Pack your things

I turn off my device and hop in the car, looking at Aisha.

"Ready for a hell of a drive?"


"Want a fry?" Aisha holds up the burger king fry box.

I shake my head politely. "No thanks, I'm good."

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