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"I'm so sorry..."

"We're here for you."

"We're gonna be okay."

And just like that, my world goes dark.


"That's the last of my stuff." I hear Aisha tell Carter.

"Can you help me with my last box?"

"Yeah of course!"

"You da best!"

I stand there, just staring at out the window.

This can't be happening.

I can't comprehend anything that's going on around me. It's all just a big blur. I know grandpa wanted me to have this ranch, but it feels wrong.

He should be here with us.

But I can't let him down... I'll run this facility and get it up and going again. Like the old days.

"Hey!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Aisha hugging me from behind. "How are you feeling?"

I turn to her and pull her in my chest. "I feel empty."

"It's hard... I know it." She rubs my back. "It may seem like it won't get better, but it will. I promise."

"I haven't got to see him much since I moved down here. I feel horrible..." I trail off.

"Don't blame yourself, baby. I did for years and that was the worse thing I ever could've done. He's in a better place now and he really loves you and Carter. He's watching over y'all." She says softly. "I'm always gonna be here for you. It gets better, my love."

We stand there in silence just holding each other.

It's peaceful.

I remember coming here that grandpa let me choose any room I wanted, but I always went for this little room

I remember coming here that grandpa let me choose any room I wanted, but I always went for this little room

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So it only feels right to move into this one.

"Hey guys." Carter walks in. "You okay?" He looks at me.

I rub under my eye and nod. "Yeah, you?"

"I'm fine." He replies.

Carter wasn't all that close with our grandpa since mom rarely let him come down with me. Dad and grandpa raised me and I try my best everyday to not fail them.

I'd do anything to see my dad again.

I just don't know where he is.

"You guys wanna go bowling or something? I don't really wanna be here right now." I suggest.

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