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"Oh thank God." I pull Aisha into my arms.

"It wasn't even bad! I don't see why I'm overreacting." She cries into my chest.

I rub her back and rest my chin on her head. "You're not overreacting, baby. That's just fucking plain weird. I wish I was there... I'm sorry I wasn't. I should've went with you."

"It's whatever... it's over with now." She pulls back.

I frown and take her small hand into mine. "Wanna go on a motorcycle ride? It's always the best thing for me to go to when I'm pissed off."

She stands there and thinks before a little smile spreads across her face. "Yeah, sure. Just let me put these bags away."

I nod, letting her go.

Carter walks over to me and I look at him. "Oh I'm definitely finding this dickhead once she's calmed down."

"Thank God. I thought you were actually letting this go away."

"Hell no! I'm gonna talk to her later on."

"Good choice."

We walk into the kitchen and help Aisha put groceries away so we're not completely useless.

I can tell she's still feeling uneasy, so I grab the keys for my bike and hand her the leather jacket I got for her a bit ago.

"Let's go ride. It's gonna take a huge burden off your back." I pick up our gloves, handing her a pair.

"Thank you..." She softly smiles, putting on the jacket and gloves. "The rodeo's tonight... we going?"

I look at her and smile, nodding. "Yeah."

"Yes!" She exclaims.

I catch myself smiling as I take her hand and lead her outside. "Everything's gonna be okay." I assure her. "I don't want you to be afraid of some creep."

"I'm feeling better honestly. I'm okay. I promise." She puts out her pinky promise.

I tug my lips to the side and latch pinky's with her.

"C'mon. Let's go riding."


"Phone... jacket..." Carter checks off things on his imaginary check list."

"Buddy, the fairgrounds is right up the road... you won't be needing much." I chuckle.

Aisha wraps her arm in mine.

"Fair enough." Carter puts down his blanket.

"You ready?" I look down at Aisha.

She nods with a smile. "Yep."

Carter walks over to us and I nod. "Alright gang, let's head out."

We turn off the lights, leaving the house to head down the road.

We cruise with the windows down with Blake Shelton blasting for our quick six minute drive.

"It's already jam packed!" Carter exclaims as we get out of the car.

"Yeah well, he made a big impact on this town. Makes my heart happy to know his steer are gonna be used for these events." I gently hold Aisha's hand.

"He seemed like an amazing man." Aisha rubs my arm.

I give her a soft smile.

We make onto the bleachers, pushing through the crowd.

Once I see Carter and Aisha all set up, I clear my throat. "Y'all want anything? Popcorn? Cotton candy? Anything?"

"I'm down for cotton candy and funnel cake, please brotha!" Carter smiles.

I nod and turn to Aisha. "Just popcorn and a coke."

"I'll be right back." I place a soft kiss on her forehead before making my way back out of the crowd.

"Sin!" My grandfathers old friend waddles over to me. "It's so great seeing you again. How have you been holding up?"

"Best I can, sir. I have the cows out with Mr. Hillard. It's a lot to handle, to be honest." I confess.

He sighs. "I know, son. But you'll catch on."

"I'd hate to sell the herd." I clench my jaw.

"Are you considering that?" Mr. Mallard asks.

I look down in defeat. "I don't know what to do anymore. My grandfather spent years on end growing his herd... all I'm doing is renting out the cattle."

"Well that's all your grandfather did!"

"No, Mr. Mallard. He worked with his cows everyday on Bucky."

"Speaking of, how's Bucky?" He asks.

"You can tell he's different, but he's holding on. Just like the rest of us here." I look at the crowd.

"Sin!" I hear my little brother.

I sigh. "I should head out. It was good seeing you."

"You too, sonny boy."

I walk off and get to the concession stand.

"I got here quicker than you!" Carter exclaims.

"Sorry... bumped into Mr. Mallard."

"Oh yeah? How's he?"

"Honestly, he don't look too good." I say, ordering my girls popcorn and coke. "Did you leave Aisha by herself?"

"She said she was fine."

I smack my forehead.

"We're gathered here for the memorial of our towns prized roper. Antonio Craig." The announcer announces.

"We should get over there." I grab the popcorn and coke.

"Thank you." Carter thanks the concession lady as she hands him his food. "Yeah. Do you know anyone here? Everyone keeps approaching me and I don't know any of them."

I shrug. "I've been around here longer than you, brother."

"I guess so." He starts walking back to the bleachers.

Miss Georgia comes out to sing the national anthem.


"I've never really liked rodeos." Carter looks at me.

"You did when you were little." I pat his back. "Until Ma took you away from us."

"Yeah..." He sighs. "She and him took away everything from me."

"I know... but we're out of there now." I get onto the bleachers.

"SIN!" I hear my girl call out.

I look where we left her, but she's not there.

"Was that Aisha?" Carter asks.

"It was..." I say, confused as I look around.

"Over there!" Carter points to Aisha being cornered by a middle aged man.

"HEY!" I drop everything and sprint over.

"GET AWAY FROM OUR GIRL!" Carter shouts out.

We get closer and that's when the man turns around.

I stop so fast in my tracks, stunned.

So does Carter.

"Dad?" We both drop our jaws in unison.

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