Moving Day

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"I hope he can get out." I pace back and forth with my fingers in my mouth as I bite my nails.

Carter stands up. "He will... trust me. He has absolutely nothing on him, it's all our mom and her boyfriend."

I turn to him and frown. "What happened, Carter?"

He clenches his jaw and looks down. "I think that's for Sin to tell you, not me."

My heart breaks and I find myself hugging the poor boy. I let him know it's all gonna be okay and that whatever happened is over. He's quiet the whole time though, but I get it.

I don't push him.

But he doesn't let go from the hug.

So I don't pull back.

We stand like this for a few minutes in silence until we hear footsteps coming down the stairs, causing us to pull away from each other.

"Y-you're free..." A smile spreads across my face.

Sin returns the smile. "They're going away for a long time."

Carter runs over, latching onto his brother. They break down into tears, refusing to let go of each other.

This instantly breaks my heart to just know that these boys have suffered so much trauma and they're finally reunited.

For months I've caught Sin talking to Carter over the phone, constantly reassuring him that they'll be together in a year.

Not under the circumstances as to why, but I'm glad they're able to unite much sooner.

It seems they're all each other had...


"Here's some cheese and crackers. Sin told me they're your favorite." I smile, placing down the tray of snacks for the boys.

It was a long ride home, but nothing came up of what the hell just happened. It's like nothing did happen.

I did catch them talking before getting in the car with me though... maybe they decided it's best to keep private. I completely understand.

Sin even let me drive a bit as he's no longer on the edge about anything. He's just simply happy and comfortable having his brother with him.

"Thank you, Aisha." Carter gives me a soft smile before popping a cracker into his mouth. "These are good!"

"Have you had them recently?" Sin eats one with him.

Carter shakes his head. "I was lucky if I even ate a slice of bread."

Sin looks down as if he's ashamed in himself. "I'm sorry, buddy." his voice cracks.

"We're together now... they're gone. That's all that matters in the end." Carter gives him a reassuring smile. "Does Aisha live here?"

I look at him and Sin looks at me. "I mean, she can if she wants."

My eyes widen. "What?"

"You're always talking about how much you hate living at your grandparents... why don't you live with us? We'll probably be living at the ranch by the end of the year." Sin explains and I notice the heartache the last sentence gave Carter.

"Are you sure? I mean... I don't want to be a burden." I respond.

"Not at all. You should move in."

I tug my lips to the side. "That actually sounds so refreshing."

"YES!" Carter jumps up. "You'll be protected by two strong men." he flexes.

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