Stay Away

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I get in the car with a clenched jaw and not gonna lie, some fear. This guy poisoned his step dad, what makes you think he wouldn't try to hurt anyone else?

He really does have a story that's better off unsaid...

"Don't think I'm a murderer, fairy." Sin breaks the silence. I turn to him and see he also looks hella stressed. "Cause I'm not. It's all in the past."

I look at him in confusion. "You attempted to kill someone... how are you not in jail?"

He exhales and grips the steering wheel. "I originally was in trouble, but it got ruled out as self defense and my old step dad was actually put in jail."

Bewildered, I try to form words, but I truly can't comprehend any of this. "I don't get it though, Sin. Why would you do that?"

"We all have a story." he states. "I moved here to get away from mine. Let's not bring up old scars. You don't like to talk about yours, so why would I like to talk about mine?"

He hits me with that one.

As much as it hurt, it's true

I've been egging him on to give me answers, but after seeing a side of him today, I now understand that it's more serious than I would've ever thought.

"I'm sorry, Sin." I look out my window.

I really messed up.


It's been two weeks since I've talked to Sin and honestly, it sucks. When we hung out I felt so... safe.

Someone that didn't know my story. Someone that didn't give me pity or act like they're walking on eggshells around me.

Someone new.

But apparently this town already knows about him...

I never in a million years would think I'd talk past to an OFFICER. What's got into me? No wonder why Sin doesn't want anything to do with me anymore.

He told me he came here for a fresh start after college, yet I dug up the past.

He doesn't feel like someone that would try to attempt murder... and he's not. There's gotta be something much deeper.

But I'm done trying to find out. I just ruined a friendship and I truly feel horrible.

I've texted him here and there telling him that, but he never replied.

In a way, I miss Sin.

I'm snapped off of my thoughts by my doorbell ringing, causing me to instantly jump up, getting exciting as I just know it's Sin!

I run down the stairs and open the door with a big smile on my face, which slowly goes away when I see it's just Camila and Freya.

"Not who you expected?" Camilla chuckles, holding up ice cream.

I sigh and Freya frowns. "You're still waiting around for him?"

"I messed up."

They look at each other in concern then look back at me.

"Aisha..." Camila leads me to the kitchen. "Sin has a reputation. He's meant to just stay unbothered. Obviously the girls here don't respect that, but it's true. He's someone you just gotta leave alone. He literally tried killing someone, babe."

"But thats not true—"

"Look around! He hates everyone! You need to stay away from him... nobody knows nothing about him and yet he's involved in criminal shit. You can't trust that." Freya adds on.

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