Chapter 11. Problematic Kids, And Problematic Elders

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On day three of watching the children I felt the need to take them somewhere. Somewhere way more fun and exciting than McDonalds or shopping for food.
  While I sat rocking on my rocker with fabric in my right hand and a sewing needle and thread in the other, I listen to the yelling, the fussing, the furry of young rich children. (Well they are all rich besides Scott) I stroll into the kitchen. "You are fussy, competitive kids.... and I bit messy too." I say noticing the mess on the kitchen table.  Olivia stands up and places her hands on her hips. "I tried to get them to at least try to be a bit more organized." She whined. "Well clearly you're not trying hard enough. You're job as the oldest is to keep them under control. Not Over control." I say wisely. Olivia crosses her arms. It's obvious she's angry. I see it in her almond shaped gray eyes.  "I'm the only one who plays uno correctly." Olivia said bitterly. Jenifer stands up. "Oh my gosh O! You think you know everything!" She shouted. I was startled to see Jenifer get firey in like this.  Olivia turned to her. "Well maybe because I'm the oldest-" she begins. "It doesn't matter! We are just trying to have a good summer and all you do is yell!" Yelled Phillip angrily. "We have to relax! This isn't our house!" Christopher added. Finally Scott stands up. "O." he said.
"What?" Answered Olivia.
"Do you actually think you know everything?" Olivia hesitated. It was a simple question. She is a A+ student so she may be quite arrogant and egotistical.  "I'm an A+ student. So therefore I'm probably up there." She sassed. It's obvious that Olivia hates everyone here except for me. Scott begins pacing the kitchen. "When you are sure you know everything, Olivia, then you are probably hopelessly comfused." He said. I love how he called her Olivia instead of just her initial like what everyone else calls her.  "It looks like the kids are getting heated." I say swiftly.
  I hated to tell Christopher that he shouldn't read today. I knew that Olivia would keep yelling at him for mispronouncing things, or being too slow. 
  Olivia was in a bad mood today. She usually is very happy to listen to me read, but she left to play uno by herself while I read a book about How To Cook. 
  I gave the kids bread and butter for lunch.  I frosed the bread with butter when I heard Olivia at the table say in a quiet voice, "This isn't even real butter." I turn around. "When I was a kid, this is all we had." I say in a slightly angry voice. 
  I had the feeling that Olivia was a critical judge disguised as a child.  I look at Phillip. "You think this is real butter right?" I say praying for the answer I want.  "Yeah." He said cheerfully.
  All the kids but Olivia wanted me to take them to the movies at 1:30.  "Why don't you want to go to the movies Olivia?" Asked Scott in the car as I drove down the thruway.  "Isn't it bad for your eyes? Watching a screen in the darkness?" Olivia said with fury. "Not when the screen is that big." Scott sassed back. 

I payed a bunch of money for this film that is playing at the movie.  I sent Olivia to the library because she wants to read so desperately. 
  Don't worry, I gave her a time that I will pick her up at.
  The June sun was bright and hot and the sky was so blue. The theater however was darker then midnight in the winter.
  "Um.... Mrs Conalie?" Said Phillip's voice although I could hardly see him.  "Yeah?" I say.  "What movie even is this?" A good question, but I didn't know what to answer. It could be any movie. "I don't know." I truthfully responded. The kids and I came to the second row, just to be a bit safe. 
  The movie was something that I hoped I wouldn't see. It was very dark, the coloring was dark and it started with a werewolf hunting in the dark woods. Two minutes into the film, the werewolf gubbled up a man who drove a taxi through the Forrest. The werewolf turned into a woman. When she came to the beach and jumped into the salt water she swam gracefully.

I look into the kids little faces. I was on Jenifer's right. She was rapped like a burrito in the blanket, only her green eyes were visable.  Christopher had his eyes glued to the screen shoveling popcorn in his mouth.  Phillip is trying desperately to stay calm, but he seems to be slowly falling into Jenifer's lap.  Scott flails wildly when scary things happen and probably kicked everybody at least twice.  "Scott, you are afraid of a movie werewolf biting a normal wolf's nose, but your not afraid of driving your bike over a car?" I ask. "This movie doesn't make any sense." Scott says in an undertone. "Y'know what kids, I have to use the bathroom. Jenifer, hold my chocolate milk!" I can trust Jenifer with my chocolate milk right?
  There was a man wearing head to toe black in the entrance area getting his popcorn re filled. "Hey, do you by any chance know how this movie is rated?" I ask. The man turns around and I was startled to see that it was Mr Espcu.
  "Evangeline! Your sopposed to be watching the kids! What are you doing at the movies?" Mr Espcu freaked out. "The kids are actually watching the film right now." I informed.  "Okay, well your sopposed to keep tabes on them." Said Mr Espcu.  "Actually I have to use the bathroom." I tell him.

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