Chapter 20. The Waiting Room

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We all thanked the Witch for her time although we didn't mean it. We begged her to come with us as we do the DNA test of the piece of hair. Knowing that the witch is magical and super smart she should probably figure this out right? We walked out the door into the sunlight shinning down on the dead plants. "Water Witch, you should come with us." Mr Peachfuz said into the nature. The Witch had only her right foot out the door where I could see her tiny sandle on her foot under her long black dress. "I ain't leaving my house unless it's a nature hike. Ya'll already know that I haven't done magic in seventeen years." She says all mystically. The kids and I froze despite the summer heat.  "H-how- how have you not done magic in seventeen years?" Asked Jenifer who seemed shocked to hear this. The Witch turned around and glanced at the house. Her head moved around and she turned back at us. "After I cursed the book, I was almost pretty sure the whole Apple Tree Village was deserted. Little did I know, the priest still lived."
  Another problem. Mr Peachfuz nodded. The Witch eyed us threateningly. "So, seventeen years ago, Mr Peachfuz visited my house even though he knows nobody was there, and I told him that I wasn't dead. Obviously he freaked out and screamed and swore at me, so I put the curse on the book after yelling at him. Every copy of the book became a time traveler every time someone attempted to read, so I decided they would get trapped, however I figured that the wise people should survive it, so I figured that they should solve a riddle to escape." She explained. "But that story was so good." Whispered Mr Peachfuz. The Witch's red flaming eyes narrow. "You were a complete idiot to try and kill me. I'M IMMORTAL! Besides... I told you not to tell anyone, so your stupid head decided that murdering me was your way to write a book without me stopping you." She hissed at Mr Peachfuz who gives her a dark look. "But... I think the story was good." He argued with his elderly hands crossed. "That story? Love compitition, suicide, flames, a whole village destroyed, that was my anger at it's worst, that book wrecked my reputation, and now all the readers know that Apple Tree Village once was beautiful." Said the Witch bitterly. "And it's a true story which makes it more intriguing." Added Mr Peachfuz. The Witch didn't reply, she just rolled her eyes and patted her head. Mr Peachfuz glances around. "Hey, do you have more chocolate chips... for the mashed potatoes?" He asked. The Witch throws her hands in the summer air. "GO AWAY!" She yelled angrily. Mr Peachfuz ran for his car without turning back to look at the Witch. It's obvious she hates him. She watched the car drive away and didn't speak untill it was out of eye view. She looked at me and kids. I sighed and said "That guys the worst, I hate him, because he uses slippers and regular shoes." The Witch looked at me. "Well he's not quite as bad as his brother Mr Espcu, speaking of that man, Mr Espcu contacted the DNA people. You should be able to find out if it really is Olivia's hair strain, that's one thing out of the way." "Good." I replied." The Witch walked with us down the pathway. "On the day I cursed the book, the priest came to me to say that he needed to borrow my broom. You see, the priest is immortal because he drinks some weird potion thing that he used to borrow from me. I cursed the pool in 1870, then I cursed the book in 1970. The fact that the Priest came back to Apple Tree Village was unexpected." She then made an angry breath.  "He's the reason why nobody died in the flames, him and his weird jeep that he borrowed saved everyone and they all moved to Western California. So he returned to the deserted Apple Tree Village one hundred years later to borrow my broom and NEVER GAVE ME THE BROOM BACK. Therefore, I can't do magic anymore." "That's horrible!" I say. "Surely you can do some kind of magic." The Witch looked back at me. "I wish, I try every day for those seventeen years. I'm just an immortal short woman with a cottage." She sighed. "The priest must've been that wise man in the long white robe in the book right?" Asked Christopher. "Yeah. That's him." The Witch replied. "The one that winked at me. How does he do that when we are invisible?" I ask.
  I've been dying to know how it happened. When Mr Peachfuz, the kids and I were in the book, we were invisible. The way the Wise man winked at me was comfusing. The Witch sighed again. "That man had a serious eye problem. It always gets me comfused. Mr Peachfuz wondered the same thing during his first trip into the book." That explains it.

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