Chapter 15. The Water Witch's Magic

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Whoosh goes the wind.

"Hey Mr Peachfuz, what happens next?" Scott questioned when we appeared in a different angle of the Water Witch's house. Now we are next to the cupboard still unnoticed. "It's Christmas Eve and the day of the wedding. Brielle becomes Brielle Paggles and Yani doesn't aprove." Mr Peachfuz told us darkly. "Well of course she doesn't aprove. Is she dead yet?" Asked Phillip.
The Witch enters the house. Today she is in a black dress and walks in a sort of limp to the cauldron and begins to pour about seven different potions into it while huming a little melody that went "Hm hm hm hm. Hm hm hm-hm hm hm hm. HM HM- hm hm hm hmmmm hmmmm. Hm hm hm hm HM HM HM!" The door swung open and Yani Mulberry came back. She looked fine. Not mad, not upset, but not happy either. "Madam, yesterday you refused to make me a potion, now your making one for yourself..... that's crazy." Yani sighed. The Witch cleared her throat loudly and turned around. "I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours." She said wisely. "I just want to remind you that your magic diamonds are possibly the least magical object in the whole world." Yani snapped. The Witch narrowed her eyes and looked at Yani with hatred. "If your plan doesn't succeed, why don't you re think your plan?" She suggested. Yani sat on the bed. "What do you even mean?" "Well, technically you're more attracted to looks and money. When people are attracted to looks and money, that's not thinking ahead. Of course you should think more about how the love interests treats you. That's super important." The Witch said very sternly yet calmly. Yani sighed. "I understand."
"You do?" The Witch said in shock.
"Yeah. Anything worth doing is worth doing for money." Yani replied. "No my Child, that's completely out of the question!" Yapped the Witch. "What?" Said Yani. "Obviously my child, Phoenix is attractive as heck-" began the Witch, but she caught Yani's angry look. I'll assume that she doesn't exactly want the Witch to say Phoenix is attractive now that he's married to Brielle. "I'm never talking to him again." Snapped Yani. "My child, you got to mature and make smart decisions and understand that love isn't simple." Soothed the Witch.
"Really? Since when have you dated?" Sasses Yani.
"I use my intelligence skills to see beyond the faces and hair and eyes of people. I don't need a lover if I have my wise wisdom."
"But you're just so crazy..."
"Really? You're the crazy thing. You can't get a date in a weekend with your sense of reality."
"And what's so wrong with that?"
"Everything. You can't yell at people on beaches either."
"Well, they told me I couldn't... so that's why I did."
"Hey put your ego aside and think."
Yani just left the cottage without wishing the Witch a merry Christmas.

We appeared in a short distance from the Witches house. The pool was there. The water was blue like the clear sky, sparkling in the sun. Yani stopped to look down at her Reflection in the water.
"When Martin Whiteson showed me the cursed pool, it was all a desert area. This village really lost it's beauty in all those years." I whispered to Mr Peachfuz knowing that there was no need. He nodded in response.
Yani sat down on the grass and pulled a half sheet of white paper from her coat pocket. She held it out reading it. "What's that?" Scott asked in awe. "A poem." Responded Mr Peachfuz is a mystical way. "What kind of a poem?" Came Christopher's voice. "A poem she wrote for Phoenix. It's Latin. Of course, Yani knows very little Latin, she just put words together." Mr Peachfuz clearly knows the story well.
Yani folded the poem and placed it on the green grass. "That Witch is crazy." Yani whispered to herself. "It's not easy to understand other people's problems, but it's easy to think you do." After that sentence, she dived right into the pool. "MY GOD!" I yelled at the mid- height of my lungs. "She's dead right?!" Chirped Phillip. "She's officially lost it." Jenifer said under her breath. "How does the Witch know?" Asked Scott looking up at Mr Peachfuz. "She saw it through her Crystal ball." Confirmed Mr Peachfuz.
I can't believe I just saw someone commit suicide!
The Witch steps out of her cottage. We've seen her get agitated, but now she's livid. "IF LIFE'S NOT FAIR ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN IT'S YOUR OWN STINKING FAULT YA KNOW!" Bellowed the Witch. She's scary when angry, ooh that reminds me of my Father. The Witch with her angry red eyes pulled out her broom and used it as a power weapon to shoot this black magic at the pool. I pulled the children back to protect them, even though I knew that I didn't need to. "AND THAT'S FOR BEING A STICK IN THE MUD!" Yelled the Witch.
Yani was gone. Dead.

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