Chapter 34:The Final Battle

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A/N: Ya'll I'm so sorry. My dumb ass forgot Rowan existed in the last two chapters. I went back and added him in because damn he's actually kind of important🤦‍♀️ If you're here reading this and haven't read the updated versions, Rowan stayed back to fight with Rhys/Az. Ok. Happy Reading!

After winnowing Nesta to Velaris to find Elain, I winnowed Mor and Aelin back to the cliffside. It felt like welcoming an old friend, letting that familiar power take hold to turn me into dust and stars. 

The feeling of calm that it brought me didn't last long. 

The minute we appeared, my gaze shot to Rhys. It seemed like he had realized his power was back as well, and was using it to his advantage. Wave after wave of midnight-black power poured out of him, pushing back the enemy and stilling the very air with its sheer power. But the gods fought with just as much fervor, blasting Rhys, Rowan, and Azriel with undiluted magic not of this world. 

Mor, Aelin, and I didn't stop to admire their skills. We launched straight into the battle. I saw Aelin rush toward Rowan, her hands and her sword blazing with sapphire and ruby flames. Mor ran to help Az, who was protecting Rhys's exposed back as he fought to push some of the gods off the cliffside. 

I winnowed straight to Rhys's side, swiping my sword arm out and pushing some unlucky goddess off the edge of the cliff. "Rhys! It worked!" 

"Funnily enough, I gathered that!" He yelled back, grinning at me. Right there, in the middle of the battle, he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "You're brilliant, Feyre darling." 

All I could do was grin right back before we had to launch into the fray. It was mayhem. The battle was such a blur there were moments where I couldn't tell if I was facing friend or foe. The only thing that kept my focus centered was Rhys fighting beside me. Our powers had definitely refilled to new limits. I'd never felt so exhilarated in my life, with all this magic flowing through me. I felt nearly invincible, taking down gods like they were foot soldiers. 

That was my first mistake. Underestimating the enemy. 

I'd seen Hellas only once before, and then, he'd barely spared me a glance. Now, however...

My gut saved me. I threw up a shield before I'd even turned, but the shield didn't save me from the force of Hellas's magic. He shoved me back a step, pushing me away from Rhys, who quickly became surrounded. I gritted my teeth and dug my feet into the ground. 

I opened my palm and sent shards of ice flying his way. He dodged them easily.

"You are but a flea. A flea that will soon be crushed," He growled, stalking towards me, completely impervious to my attacks. I could see Anneith behind him, locked in battle with Mor. Aelin was busy fighting off an attack from Tehome, fire against water. Rowan and Azriel were nowhere to be seen. 

Hellas threw out his hands, and two great broadswords appeared in his palms. "Time to finish this, girl." 

He attacked before I could respond. I'd thought Aelin was fast. She had nothing on the God of Death. He moved faster than a whisper, his blades scarcely missing me each time I ducked. Panic edged my mind, but I didn't let it distract me. If there was ever a time to stay focused, it was now. 

I used every weapon in my arsenal, but Hellas seemed to guess each strike before I moved. I wasn't going to lie to myself. He was better than me... much better. 

I caught his swords with my own, grunting as I braced both hands against my blade. My arms shook under the pressure as he stepped closer, sneering down at me. 

"Not so strong without the queen or your mate, are you?" He asked. He was so close I could feel his breath on my cheeks. 

I gritted my teeth and pushed forward with all my might, shoving him off-balance and forcing him back a step. "I'm strong enough to kill you." 

Hellas threw back his head and laughed. "I am a god, girl. You cannot kill me."

I summoned a plume of ice to my hand and threw it at his chest, solidifying it into razor-sharp shards. He knocked them aside, but he didn't see the second, larger shard I sent for his exposed thigh. This time, my ice hit its target. 

Hellas yelled and grabbed his leg, yanking out the shard and letting it fall to the ground, where it shattered. 

"If you can be injured, you can be killed," I said, pointing my sword at him. He growled, the sound promising violence. 

"I'm ready to get off this damned world," He snarled, hefting his swords in his hands. 

With that, he darted forward once more. I met him, strike for strike, sword against sword. Yes, he was better, and faster, and more experienced. But I'd been taught by some of the greatest warriors of all time. I could hold my own long enough to beat him. 

We met in the middle once more, his blade locked against mine as he forced me back a few steps. I dared a glance behind him and saw Anneith was now fighting both Mor and Rhys, with the help of a few other gods. Azriel fought beside them, Rowan a few paces away. Aelin was on the other side of the battle, fending off both Tehome and Deanna. I wondered for half a second what Deanna must have thought upon seeing Aelin again. 

Hellas didn't give me much time to consider it. Out of nowhere, he released a roar that shook the mountain. Before I could even cry out, my feet had left the ground. He used his dark magic to lift us into the air, our swords still locked together. Then he pushed backward, released one of his swords, and clapped his free hand against his chest. 

The air whooshed out of my lungs as I came crashing back to the ground, my back slamming into the earth with a nasty crack. My head snapped back, striking something hard. The edges of my vision tunneled, turning red and black. I felt my sword leave my hand, flying somewhere across the battlefield. 

I couldn't breathe. I could only blink, and lay there, frozen, as Hellas blasted back to the ground next to me. He raised his sword over my exposed neck. 

MOVE!! I screamed at myself. But my limbs refused to respond. I felt panic begin to take over. I opened my mouth, but I had no breath to scream. 

My eyes instinctively shot to my right. Somehow, they found who I was looking for. As if feeling my gaze on her back, Aelin turned and locked her eyes with mine. 

Her mouth popped open, her lips forming a word. 


She threw open her arms, and blazing azure fire flooded the mountaintop.

Feyre cosplay by Starbitcreations of Starfall Court!!

WHY is this fandom so wonderful and toxic at the same time? I can never understand it. Starfall Court recently faced even MORE ridicule and hate for what they've created, and for the life of me I will never understand why. They are creating something themselves, as fans, FOR FANS. And it's freaking GORGEOUS. The Project Starfall Fanfilm? PERFECTION. The Crescent City music video? STUNNING. The cosplays/costumes/sets of both productions? INSANE. These haters seriously need to stop and think before they literally attack fellow fans. It makes me so mad. 

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