Chapter 45

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Nora: "Charlie?" I asked puzzled. "I don't know his name, the tall one with dark brown hair.We were at her house earlier and there he was," replied Mike. "Mike listen, I don't feel comfortable talking to you about Adie's love life.You haven't had contact for 10 years.I know how important you are for her, but..." Mike: "Please wait" I interrupted her. "I understand that you are loyal to Adie. It's not about damaging her life. I love Adie like a sister!! I just want to know if it's sth. serious between them. If so, I'm happy for both of them. It's about Billie, he's been torturing himself without her for 10 years..." Nora: "Okay, I... Charlie & Adie are not together" "Not?!" Mike asked in surprise. "No, not yet... today was actually their first date." "So there is hope?" Mike asked happily. "Mike, the whole thing is not that easy. Adie pushed Charlie away from her for 10 years. He loves her. The reason she kept him away for so long is because she loves him too. When I met Adie almost 10 years ago, her heart was broken. She was always sad and crying because of Billie. Charlie was the only one who managed to cheer her up. She didn't want a relationship with him because she was too scared to lose him. She pushed his love away because she was scared of the fact that it would end like with Billie. Charlie never gave up fighting for her. She was with other men at times, which was very painful for him. But she didn't love any of those men. Losing Charlie would tear her apart. She loves him..." Mike sat frozen and stared at his tea. "Did she say anything about Billie in the last 10 years?" he muttered desperately. "Not exactly, he was her first love and I know that a part of her still loves him. But I can't tell you how big this part is. And whether this part has the power to surpass the love she feels for Charlie. I'm sure that your visit opened old wounds" "She still loves Billie right?" he muttered motionless. "Mike, please... I can't tell you, only Adie can decide that. It took her a long time to forget him... and Charlie is good for her. I know you only want the best for Billie. But please don't destroy her relationship with Charlie. It will break her into pieces..."

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