Chapter 74

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Billie: For a second it felt like heaven.My heart was pounding wild when I kissed her... her lips felt like always tender and soft.She wore a subtle lip gloss that tasted like strawberries. I remembered that she already loved this taste back then. Within half a second I was torn from my daydream when I noticed that Adie pushed me away. Adie: When he suddenly kissed me, I was kinda frozen. It was the same intimate kiss as then, but different. A lot had changed. My heart was already taken. I didn't know how to react without hurting him. But I couldn't allow this kiss, I loved Charlie... I gently pushed Billie away from me and his eyes widened in shock. "Billie, what are you doing?" I asked worried. He took a step backwards "so-o-rry, I thought you... you wanted too," he stammered. The rejection did hurt him... "I didn't mean to make you any hope, I'm sorry... I just wanted to talk to you..." He stood there and nodded dazedly. "What exactly?" he asked with a broken voice. "Billie, please sit down." He sat down in silence, and I sat next to him. Carefully, I put my hand in his hand. "Billie, you know that I love you. You were my first love, and you will always have a special place in my heart... but I love Charlie too... 10 years ago I broke up with you because your career overwhelmed me. All these women who suddenly hated me, who flirted with you, all these paparazzi who stood in front of my door. We had no privacy... You know I can't handle that, and that hasn't changed. I want to live a normal life, someday I want to get married, have children and all without ending up in the newspaper... I started my own company and work hard." "You know that I would give up all of this for you..." said Billie. I gently wiped the tears from his face. "I know, but I don't want you to. You were born for the stage, and I'm proud of you. Your music helps millions of people. You make so many people happy. I want you to be happy, you deserve the world... and music makes you happy." "Does it?" He asked sobbing. "Adie, in the last 10 years I've had a lot of money, sold out concerts, lots of awards, but I wasn't a single second happy... and do you know why? Because you weren't around..."

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