Chapter 123

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Charlie: It was early in the morning when I drove to the market to buy fresh vegetables and fruits.I loved to surprise the kids at school on Mondays, so I baked them a healthy fruit cake and a vegetable quiche every week.The parents all agreed and were happy about the friendly gesture.As a result, the children had positive motivation and had something to look forward to on Monday!! As always, the market was very full, but I still got everything I needed.I was dragging my two big bags down the street when I suddenly saw a familiar face sitting in the park. *Was that Billie?* I asked myself irritated when I saw a man with slightly longer black hair and a beard. *No, no... he wanted to go home two weeks ago...* A queasy feeling overcame me and I went over to the guy who was lying on the grass... "Billie?" He slowly turned to me, and I realized that it was him... His eyes were bright red, and he was sweating like mad.It looked as if he hadn't slept for 2 days and cried all night long... Next to him was a bottle of red wine and he whispered drunk, "morrrning..." "What are you doing here, why didn't you go home, honey? It's been two weeks since we talked!?" "No no... Adiiie hateees me..." He got up and mumbled something to himself that I barely understood because he was really drunk.He could hardly stand on his feet and smelled of alcohol... "Please sit down, my darling.You will collapse," I said worried. "Take a sip of water and eat an apple that will help you.And then I'll drive you home!!" Billie propped himself up on his legs and swayed.Suddenly, he ran to the next tree and started to threw up... I quickly put my things aside and tried to help him. "How much did you drink? Should I call an ambulance?" "Juuust onee glass... Nooo..." he replied dazedly.I breathed in and out worriedly and helped him to lie down on the meadow.He was so drunk that at some point he was unresponsive and just mumbled something.The only thing he said again and again was her name. He apologized to her and Charlie for breaking his promise.He mumbled he wanted to go home, but that he can't stand seeing her disappointed, sad eyes... I tried to help him into my car and brought him to my home...

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