Chapter 134

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Adie: I woke up in the morning and saw Billie lovingly joking around with Bella... I loved the way he took care of her.He was totally in love.I heard him speak to her last night. In that moment I realized that I didn't have to worry. Billie can't replace Charlie, but I knew he would do anything to ensure, that Bella has a happy life. And for that I loved him... After lunch our families came to see Bella for the first time. "Ohhh," said Abi, Charlie's sister, when she saw her. "Is that my niece?" "Yes, little one..." I said. Billie carefully handed Bella in her arms... Charlie's parents were there too. His mother wept with joy. "She's a gift from God, a part of our son," she said happily. My parents, Billie's mum, siblings all stopped by to get to know the little angel. Charlie's family became more skeptical of Billie when they heard he'd left me alone for 6 weeks. But they were also aware of how hard it was all for him... Billie was happy when Mike came over. He's been very pissed off for the past months and avoided him and Tre. Tre explained him what happened with Louis, and he forgave him... but not Billie. But Bella managed to reunite the two... I loved my big family. Charlie's parents and Abi kept coming to visit me while I was pregnant. I was happy that we were still in contact. She was rather dismissive of Billie, because she doesn't want him to replace Charlie. But she knew I needed him. And that he will take good care of us. "Please promise me that I can see my granddaughter. She is everything left of my son..." said Maria tearfully. I gently took her hand... "You, Abi and Edward are always welcome. My little girl needs her wonderful grandparents and her sweet auntiii," I said with a smile. "Billie and you... are you...?" she asked. "No, but Billie is important to me. But it's way too early to think about that. I'm not ready to let go of Charlie... But I love him... And I love the way he takes care of Bella. He can never replace Charlie... But he manages to take the pain away from me. And I'm happy that Bella has him. Whether as Uncle Billie or stepfather, I don't know..." "I want you to be happy, Adrienne. Charlie would have wanted you to look ahead..."

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