Chapter: 1

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" " POV

"Yes, Thank you. Visit again. Have a nice day!
And that's the last one for the day.

Guys, let's call it a day. You have 30."

Namjooooonieee hyung, yes there you are.

"Hey, Joonie hyung! Did I disturb you? You will be free tomorrow, right?"

"Yes! Jin. I am free.
Never, Jinnie. You never disturb me.
I will be waiting for you, tomorrow. Ok?"

"So, you know! Ok!
Good night. Take care. Have your meals, hyung. Love ya." Jin said and waited for an answer.

"So, you just called me to say that? Don't I know? And why, is there any need of asking? That's the first time...."

"I am sorry, Namjoon. I don't want to disturb you. That's it."

"Please, Jinnie. I know you are just messing around. If you call me again at this time, I am not going to answer the call. Keep that in mind. I am tired, I will talk to you tomorrow. Good night! Love you, too."

"Ok! Joonie hyung. Byeeee~"


I just wanted to talk to hyung. Is that wrong? Whom do I even have to talk to. Yoongi hyung is always busy. And half of the time, Namjoon hyung says he is busy or tired.

I wish I can do something for them. Help them get out of stress. They are not in any relationship and me too. I don't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend.

Yoongi hyung made it obvious though. He thinks I know nothing. He thinks I am just a young boy. Of course I know everything. Then the main thing comes. Then why are you not in a relationship? I saw somewhere. Coaches don't play the game. This made me more confident in myself. But no one knows that I can give advices. Hehe.

Now, go home an-

"Here, Jin. Keys of the kitchen. The back is completely closed. The dishes are done. I made sure everything is in order."

"That's great, Levi. Thank you. You are the best."

"You didn't make me the head of the kitchen for nothing, did you?"

Did he just wink at me? Oh my God! This brat.

"Ok, take care, Levi. See you on Monday!"

"Bye~ Take care, you too."

Levi is one of my friends from my Uni. We took culinary, which is interesting for both of us.
I feel sorry for his condition.
He has to take care of his mother.
I asked him to work in a company as a clerk for decent money. But, he doesn't want to because of his skills in culinary.

We always fight for Places. If I am first in one exam. He will be in second. If I am second, then he is first. Whole class used to envy us for that. But, that didn't affect our friendship. We put boundaries for everything.

He scored first in cutting skill.
I still have to learn how to cut like him. He is fast and skillful.

He should be having his own restaurant, but ended up in mine, when his father died in an accident while coming back to his house. His mother was severely injured and all his father's savings are used for his mother's treatment. Something is barely left.

I gave him no chance to ask me for help. I told him I have him a position in the restaurant. They never stopped thanking me. It really annoyed me. I told him not to or I will have to remove him from his position.

His condition became more worse when his mother became more weak after her days of treatment. Her health was totally damaged from the conditions they live in. I couldn't do anything but help. So I gave him the position. The head of the kitchen. So he can have some decent money. He won't take money, but want to work hard on his own self. Now, they live good. And, I am happy.

Aunt March takes care of me like her own son. That actually breaks my heart. Even though I can do something to her, her son doesn't allow me to do so. He thinks I have done enough. But, I can do it right? Who is he To tell me what To do or what not to do? And what can I do with all the money I earn?

So, everyday put some money in his locker bag. He knows I do that. And thank goodness he doesn't return it back to me.
Or I will have to smack his head hard!

So, little Brain, listen here. Don't scold him for little things, it is not like he will do mistakes. But, don't do it that's it. Put that in your brain. Understand?

Ah! There you go. My love! My house has come.

Go take a good shower and sleep!

And why don't I call.. Yoongi hyung? And ask him to come to Joonie hyung's store. He can bring Hoseok hyung too. Both will be happy. I will talk to him, once I am out of shower!

Yoooongiii hyung... Here!

Jin: Hyung, Hello? Hope you are fine. I want you to come to Joonie hyung's store. That's an Order, hyung. Hoseok hyung can come too. I want to meet him. It has been a long time. We can enjoy the time together. please hyung!

Ah- That's big.


My Yoon Hyung 😎: As you wish, Jin master. How are you?

Jin: I am fine, hyung!

My Yoon hyung 😎: Ok, take care. We will talk tomorrow. Good night! Love you, Jinnie baby.

Jin: :(
Jinnie loves you too, hyung! Bye. Good night! Have your meals. Ik you skip them.
But, I Hatchu! :/ for not talking to me. Oh! Yeah you are tired. Fine! :|
Jin: :(
So now you are putting me on seen.
Ok fine. I will show what I am tomorrow. Bye!

Jin: Bye~ Jinnie!! Take care.
Jin: We will go to shopping tomorrow, ok? Hyung?

Jin: And then to my favourite cafe. We will have everything I like. Ok?

My Yoon hyung 😎: Sure, Jinnie baby. Anything for you. We will go anywhere you want. That's my treat! We will enjoy ok?

Jin: Ok! Done hyung! I ❤ you hyung. Bye~ See you tomorrow.

My Yoon hyung 😎: I ❤ you, too Jinnie baby. Now go sleep. And let me have my dinner.

Jin: :)
Ok. Bye! Hyung.

*** ***

..Next day..

Jin's POV

I will wear this. Yes!

Namjoon hyung must be at his place by now.

"Hey, hyung. good morning!"

"Yes, hello. Good morning. We aren't opened yet."

"Ok, hyung! I'm heading back to the VIP Lounge. Call me if you want me anywhere for help."


"Bye~ hyung!"

Ahhhhh... My favourite place. Which book today..? The 9th one. That is "Selections"
Mmm. " Selections". Might be a good one.


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