Chapter: 4

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"Hello, I am Benjamin. I am Mr. Jeon's Personal assistant. He told me what to do. Mind if we join in for a coffee and talk about things!? And by the you can call me Ben." A guy popped up out of nowhere to talk to Seokjin.

Jin flinched but still smiled and talked to him. "Hey, Benjamin. I am Kim Seokjin. You can call me Jin. Sure, shall we go now?"

Benjamin nodded as he smiled. "Right, this way."

They are now sitting in a cafe, nearby.

Benjamin and Jin sat down in a cafe nearby and ordered two mocha. "So, actually this competition is for his own, personal painter. He wanted to have a painter for himself. So, that might be weird, so he thought this will be a better way to get one." Ben started.

"Oh! Ok." Jin said surprised.

Benjamin chuckled lightly. "I know, you are not comfortable." Jin shook his head. "No no. I'm fine. I am happy. Yes, more than happy." Benjamin smiled. "That's nice to hear. So what you are going to do is just be with him and soothe his mind by painting. He has a soft spot for painting in his heart. He goes to art gallerys for soothing his mind from stress. Somehow gotta say that this will work, too."

Jin nodded Understandingly. "That's understandable. Well, not gonna lie, but he is my favorite person. So I thought I will get some appreciation and all. I am just disappointed, and that's it."

Benjamin giggled. "I know right!? So.. Here's what are you gonna do. You have to move in with him. G-" Jin cut him off in the middle. "I thought it is just a competetion. Never and no one mentioned it. I have a restaurant to deal with. I own that restaurant."

Benjamin quickly said, "We can help you, if you want. But, since he is committed, we can't do anything." Jin sighed audibly. "Then I will have to talk to him."

Benjamin smiled apologetically at Jin. "I am afraid you can't. He is b-"

Jin looked at his cup and continued his words. "Busy. I know. Can't you just try for once. Can you?"

"I will.. try. I will call him now."

Benjamin called Jungkook. "Hello, Mr. Jeon. It's Ben. Jin wants to talk to you, Mr. Jeon."

"You know, I am not fre-.... So tight.. Ah! Just call me later."

"Yes.. Yes! Sir. I will. The tim-"

"He cut the call. Right!" Benjamin said whispering but Jin heard it clearly.

Jin looked at Benjamin with curious eyes. "What's wrong?"

Benjamin sighed deeply. "Might be busy... It's the first time.. Ah- Never mind. I will call him again.
Meanwhile, can we talk something?"

Jin smiled as he tried to cheer the mood ul. "Sure... But, what's first time?"

Benjamin looked at Jin trying to explain that part with wide eyes. "I think he is.. You know?"

Jin gasped and said an 'oh'. "Really? Ok! Fine...
And I am Kim Seokjin. Jin for short. I love everyone. People love me, too. I have three best friends. Namjoon hyung, Yoongi Hyung and Levi. And no friends! I met 2 in the morning, but maybe I don't know if I will meet them again. And I cook. As I said I own a restaurant. And I love to paint. So I am here. Talking to you." He said smiled sweetly.

"And I am Benjamin. Ben for short. No bestfriends, no friends. I am Jeon Jungkook's Personal assistant. As I said.
Can we be-"

Jin completed his sentence. "Can we be friends?"

Benjamin smiled with a happy face. "Sure! Thanks."

"It's ok. You are always welcome to the restaurant. I will treat you sometime." Jin smiled back as he said.

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