Chapter: 7

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Jin woke up after half an hour and sat up, rubbing his eyes, balling his fists. Jungkook found the act cute and just stared at Jin.

"So, you decided to wake up, finally!"

"Sorry, sir. I really didn't fall asleep purposely." Jin said brushing his hair behind his ears.

"It's fine."

The rest of the day went on as usual. And Jungkook thanked himself for having a painter whose works make some sense and help him get Relieved. Jin was left out and couldn't do anything. He didn't want to disturb Jungkook nor did he feel like going out for bringing something. Jungkook being a cold ass man, didn't bother to get disturbed by Jin.

Jin just spent his time watching through social media accounts. He took a detailed look on his favorite person's account in Instagram and Liked his every picture. He didn't think of the notifications popping on Jungkook's phone, who is right before him. Finally, it's time to leave the office and go back to home. Ben came into the office exactly 10 minutes before leaving.

Jin went to Ben's side while Jungkook was busy tidying his things up.

"Why didn't people come to his office for anything? Like in many movies I saw the CEO's have their assistants and P.A going in and out of the office all the time.." Jin asked, whispering.

"He doesn't like being interrupted. So, I barely come in. He sends an email and we don't even be in contact to get files, documents, etc.. He sends an email and I will get them documented. And that's how it works."

"So, he just texts you things, instead of face to face communication?"

"Yes." Ben said as if it is nothing.

"If your conversation is done, we can leave." Jungkook said with a cold expression.

Both nodded and Ben took the file with him. And they headed out. Ben towards his car, bidding goodbye to Jungkook as he bowed. Jungkook bowed in return. And turned towards Jin to bid a bye. Jin just asked him to wait and turned towards Jungkook.

"S-sir!? As you saw in the morning. I didn't bring any of my things. Can I go with Ben and get my things.."

"And I have to explain things to him, too." Ben said lowering his head.

Jungkook sighed and glared at Benjamin. Benjamin just smiled awkwardly at Jungkook.

"You can go!"

They were in the car. Jungkook left Jin and Ben.

"So, this is how things happen?"

"What do you mean?"

"Umm. Yah! I mean, you don't talk to each other. Whole day the whole floor is silent. What kind of an office is this? I don't blame anyone. But, it doesn't even seem normal. Many movies showed them to be crazy and hectic. Everyone walking running and even yell at each other. Do you atleast talk to your colleagues?"

Ben chuckled. "You are more frustrated than us. Anyways.. We do talk. But, silently. We don't yell like what director show in their movies or series."

"This is so bad" Jin said sighing.

"But, we brought things in the morning. And they are in my Car trunk. I didn't ask you to take them because you are busy admiring your first day at Mr. Jeon's." Ben said, Jin just slapped Ben's arm.


"Sorry! I didn't mean to."

Ben chuckled, as he continued. "JK."

Jin mocked. "JK" "If so, then why did you agreed to come. You should have just told me about things right..!?"

"I thought you will want to BREATHE fresh air."

"Yeah! This is all new for me. But, where are my bags?"

"Yeah! I put them at Jeon's place in your room, don't worry. Let's go, have some ice cream."

"Ok! But, what if he sees the bags?"

"It's fine. We can say we forgot. Or more precisely, he wouldn't care." Ben said shrugging it off.


Jin and Ben went to have ice cream and they enjoyed the time and Jin went to his restaurant and Talked to Levi and he also texted Namjoon and Yoongi letting them his work today. Ben took him back to Jeon's place and left. Jin went inside and saw Jungkook sitting on the couch. Jungkook looked at him, stood up from his place and went towards Jin.

***                                                                     ***

"Ice cream?" Jungkook said brushing his finger on Jin's lips. Jin just gave him his napkin to wipe that off. And Jungkook did as Jin thought.

"You have your bags right here. Where did you go?"

"Actually I forgot about my own bags, sir. And when I was going to my place, Ben told me he put those in my room. Because we are half way between I wanted to go see the Restaurant. And on the way, I had an ice cream with Ben. And we came back."

Jungkook raised a brow at him. "Fine. Go to your room now."



"Nothing sir. Good night."

Jungkook just hummed and went to his place to get his laptop and went to his study room. Jin just run upstairs. He didn't know which room was his. He slowly peaked through all the room and the last room was to be checked, where he found his bags. He went inside and seeing the room, he was awestruck again.

I never thought Jungkook would be this Cold. Anyways, time to Unpack. Jin just put everything in place and was tired from doing all those. Everything was in place. He sighed in relief and went to take a good shower and he came back and sat on the bed. His Stomach growled saying it was hungry. He went downstairs and saw no one in the house.

Is he in his room? I am hungry... I don't think I can eat something? I think I will just pass.

He sadly went to his room and ate the Chocolate fudge, he had in his bag.
He went through his phone and found some message from Namjoon, Yoongi and also Hoseok. He answered all of them and went back to bed, after drinking some water.



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