Chapter 1

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Hello Loves! Woohoo First chapter! @TaylorMint and I have high hopes for this! I am sooo proud of @TaylorMint she is writing her first fan fic so we are co-writing! How exciting! I couldn't have got a better co-writer for this story! We both hope you enjoy this story as much as we are enjoying writing it! Comments and Votes are appreciated! <3 .xx

I was lying on my bed like every afternoon these days, as staring at the ceiling had become a rather regular occupation . Over the years, time had taken it’s toll on the fading grey paint.  The sight of these four walls was one of my first childhood memories, that is the memories I’m aware of experiencing, unlike the story of my life before my arrival at this place. The people who had supposedly taken up the role of our guardians told me about “what happened when I was little” and I had soon begun to believe them. Truth. Lies. I don’t know. And I have no way of finding out. As do none of the other children here. The children like me, who had ended up here by an evil twist of fate.

The younger ones were better off than me, but by the time I had reached my current age, being the only “older one” here, I was forced to work. And work hard. 

This is what my so called life is like. 

This is my life as an orphan.

Trust me, this wasn't my plan in life. Become a lonely orphan who no one wants but being aged 17 of course no one wants to adopt a high maitenance teenage boy. The worst part is, I have never been kissed. Never been shown any love and affection. I mean who would want to be friends with an orphan? Certainly no one around here. There aren't many girls my age here in the orphanage, the oldest is 15. Girls get adopted out easily but me I just sit here waiting for no one to come.

It's starting to become old. Staring at this ceiling, I should have something better to do with my life. I mean no one looks after me anyway. No one would know I am missing, Now how to get myself out of here? Yep that is a good question because I have no idea how to do it. Just walk out when no one is watching? There is bound to be cameras around here somewhere. I look around my room, hmm out the window? that's gonna hurt like hell when I hit the ground. There is like a 3 story drop to the garden. I think someone would see me. 

Does the window even open enough? I slowly hobble my way over to the window. Yes I am hobbling, I have a bad ankle and have for the past 2 years. They refused to do anything about it so I am stuck hobbling around for the rest of my life. 

My body was yearning to get out into the real world, As i lowered my hand to the window, wondering anxiously if it would give way. The prospect of finally getting away from this poor excuse for home gave me hope...if I could escape, maybe I could get a job and a real home and  someone to love, someone to care for. Someone who could love me just as much as I love them. 

But I can't let myself get to hopeful, it seems like every time I'm sure something will work out for the best, I'm disappointed. I have never tried to escape before, if they catch me I'll get punished.... Maybe this isn't such a good idea... But what about all the good things that could happen, I could forget about all of this. I could start a new life. With those thoughts, I slowly gripped the handle and pushed. Willing the window to open just enough to fit my lanky body through it.

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