Chapter 15

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Hi Loves! You should all be thanking @TaylorMint for this update! She has been an amazing co-writer but she is getting on and off planes so she took over the updates for me! I promise I will have one up soon! :D Love you all and go fan her! xx

Harry’s POV

Ow my back. I was currently waking up and wondering why I was laying on something hard yet strangely warm. I felt something draped over my chest and I opened my eyes to examine my current situation since I was struggling to recall what had happened yesterday. Louis, Louis had his arm draped over my side and his head was resting on my arm. I must admit he looked totally adorable, his hair scattered all over his forehead and partially covering his eyes. What time is it? And seriously why are we laying on the floor, not that I minded much, manly cause Louis was still snuggled up to me and I was melting into his embrace. Light was shining trough the window and I let my gaze wander around the room not wanting to wake him yet. There were M&Ms all over the floor, oh now I remember. The M&M war and Louis playing the piano, I mean what was that about, he said he couldn’t play that well and then he’s all like BA-BAM! Like omg that cheeky little bugger.

‘Lou, wake up’ I shook his shoulder gently, wanting him to get up since my arm was falling asleep because his head was pretty heavy… ‘Hazza’ he muttered, and gripped my shirt pulling me closer. I froze not quite sure what to do ‘Lou I’m here but you gotta wake up, I think it’s past noon’ I shook him again , no reaction. Oh I know what I’m gonna do, with my free hand I scooped up some of the remaining M&Ms and gently threw them at his face. “Loooouuuueeeeh it’s time to wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up’ I whispered in a sort of sing-songy voice. Ah finally, he was staring to stir.

Louis POV 

I woke up to some one throwing something at my face and from the smell of chocolate I was guessing those things were some leftover M&Ms and as for the person, well that can only be Harry “Loooouuuueeeeh it’s time to wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up’ omg Harry, can’t a lad get some sleep here? I moved my hand up to where I presumed his face was and flicked him there and I guess it was a little to hard cause he let out a little surprised yelp ‘Hey what was that for?’ Gaah I was forced to open my eyes, Harry had his hand clamped over a spot on is neck ‘oops sorry Haz, you want me to kiss it better?’ I apologized with my eyes half closed and my words a little slurred and groggy. 

‘Yes’ whoa did he just say yes, wow why ad I even asked that, I was suddenly wide awake. 

Harry was looking at me expectantly with a tiny little pout on his face O shit. Well I might as well go for it, I mean he just said yes. I slowly reached over and removed his hand from his neck and looked up into his eyes, waiting for him to stop me. He tilted his head just a tiny bit to the side and god that looked sexy. When I kissed the tiny red dot it took everything in me to not just give him a love bite then and there, I swear I already had my lips parted, my tongue barely touching the sensitive skin, when I realized what I was doing and restrained myself . I just pressed my lips to his neck a little longer than necessary and pulled back slowly looking back in to those beautiful emerald eyes I asked ‘Feel any better?’ I could already feel my cheeks burning but luckily his were equally as red and he just swallowed and nodded.

I realized I was still holding his hand and I released it, chuckling I stood up and offered him my hand, he took it gratefully but this time I didn’t let go until we got into the kitchen. ‘wow we must have been tired yesterday, it’s already a quarter to 1, anyway I’m starved, what do you want for breakfast? I’ve got cereal, some eggs, toast and some yogurt, ok I really have to go buy food later’ ‘Um I don’t know…the eggs sound good though’ Harry replied from where he was sitting on one of the stools at the counter/bar. ‘Well eggs it is then, how would you like them, sunny side up, scrambled or poached maybe?’ haha I was waving around with a wooden spoon and making funny faces at harry whilst trying to speak with different kind of voices. I must’ve looked stupid but apparently Harry found it amusing since he started giggling ‘But Lou if you don’t mind me asking what the hell are poached eggs?’ 

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