Chapter 3

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Hey Loves! Yep it took me like 15 mins to write this! Sorry it's short but I just had some ideas so here you go Chapter 3! This fairly average chapter was written by me! Sorry if it sucks, I really am sorry! <3 <3 

I have no idea where I am, and it's starting to get dark. Yep I am soo skrewed. This is what happens when you live in an orphanage all your life and never get out once. You stay trapped watching the world go by very slowly. I just stayed on the same street hoping to lead myself at least somewhere at least normal. I looked around me, car's passing by like another normal day and busy people walking the street. This is so normal for them and yet so foreign for me. 

I feel like I'm not supposed to be here. Have you ever had that feeling? You feel stupid and awkward yeah I have that feeling right now and I promise you it isn't good. I should be stuck in my room laying on my bed watching the grey paint on the ceiling, Not out here roaming the streets like a lost puppy.

I found my way into a little shop, I decide on 2 bottles of water, 2 big packets of chips and a packet of biscuits. Funny story I haven't had either of these? Chips and Biscuits are all so different to me. I get standard,very basic food at the orphanage. What did I tell you? It's like a prison. A prison for the unwanted.

I paid the man, making minimal eye contact with him. I don't really know how to communicate with people and who do I blame? The orphanage. I had no friends, I had no one so I had no need to communicate with people. I headed out onto the streets yet again. Looks like I am going to be homeless now. I'm now not sure why I left the orphanage, it kept me safe and gave me a place to sleep at night. I wasn't neccessarily warm but I was still safe.

I found a deserted alleyway, I guess here will do. I found a back door, the door looked like it was a hundred years old and when I opened it, the whole thing threatened to come off it's hinges. I snuck inside. What was this used for? It was just some back room that the only entry was through the failed attempt of a door.

I guess here will do, I won't get wet, I won't be comfortable but that's beside the point. I really do wonder what this was for? I mean who would build some tiny room that could only be entered through the door on the alleyway? I shouldn't be complaining it gives me somewhere to stay and live probably for the rest of my life. Home sweet home.

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