Chapter 11

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Hello Loves! Thanks to the amazing @Taylormint for writing this chapter so go fan her! <3 <3 .x Votes and comments anyone?

Harry’s POV

‘So what do you wanna do? We could play video games or I dunno watch a movie, just get to know each other a little better’ Louis crouched down in front of the TV ‘Yeah, I’d like that, well just hanging out that is and getting to know you.. it’d be fun, and like what’s your favorite movie? Mine’s… I trailed, like what the f.. am I actually saying? I’m rambling aren’t I? And I’ve like only ever watched one or two movies in my whole entire life so I don’t think my brain is still connected to my mouth but anyway… WTF are video games?! Aren’t they like these games that you play with this weird controller thingy and the TV, see I knew what a tV was but I’ve never played a video game before… some of the kids used to talk about them but yeah I’m gonna look like an idiot not knowing what a video game is, he’ll defiantly suspect something. ‘Oh I have a lot of favorite movies but I really like Grease.’ ‘ Um I’ve never heard of it… is it any good?’ oh god I hope this isn’t some movie I’m supposed to know…. ‘Whoa what?! you don’t know ‘Grease’? Seriously it’s like the best movie ever! Omg we totally have to watch it!’ He practically squealed pushing me down onto the couch while he inserted the DVD into what, if I remember correctly is the DVD player box thingy… he then quickly ran into the kitchen and came back trying to balance a bag of chips on his head and holding a big bowl of popcorn and two drinks in his hands. I stood up to help him ‘Haz, sit down, now! I don’t want you to miss anything. Oh and I can call you Haz, right?’ I just nodded while my heart fluttered at the nickname he had give me. Wait what, my heart fluttered? Oh yeah I was supposed to have feelings for this seriously nice guy, I mean I know what I was thinking yesterday, but after all He had been drunk and ya know it was 3 am in the freackin morning for crying out ! The movie started to play and Louis sat next to me on the couch and I was strangely aware of his every move and how his thigh would occasionally brush against mine.

I peeked at him from the side, watching him mutter the words of the actors under his breath even before they were said on screen. So I assumed he had watched this movie at least a thousand times. Well what I gathered was, that this movie was this like musical thing and there was this guy named Danny and this girl, Sandy who had this fling over the summer and then they go back to school and the rest is a complicated story that I haven’t really been paying attention to. They were currently sitting in their car at this outdoor movie thing that I’ve never heard of… apparently it was called a drive in…. Well by this time Louis was singing a long to the song danny was singing and ok yep he’s so watched this a million times, but It was kinda cute too, like that he knew all the words and stuff. 

But it took me totally by surprise when he snuggled up to me and laid his head across my chest, it felt comforting but also strange due to the fact no one had ever showed affection towards me, I mean if you don’t count last night but ya know Louis probably doesn’t even remember what happened, he was pretty drunk so that doesn’t count. ‘ I like you, you’re nice.’ Ok that defiantly took me by surprise too but all I could think of was ‘ uh thanks, you’re really nice too’ I smiled reassuringly at the slightly shorter boy and decided to drape my arm over his body.

We’d been sitting here like this for about another hour or so, I had really lost track of time.. when the played the finally song which according to Louis was called ‘ We go together’ And I must admit the melody was pretty catchy and I was humming it while Louis sang the lyrics loudly, belting them thru the small flat. I watched the cast dance in amusement and danny and sandy’s car lift of in to the sky, then the credits started to play and louis sat up from my chest, his eyes capturing mine and I was once again abnormally aware of the close proximity. Then his eyes wandered down to my lips and I couldn’t believe he started leaning in and closing the distance between us. He kissed me and it was total bliss, the heat of our lips melted together unbearable. I was kissing Louis, a boy. wAit I was kissing Louis, I sucked in a sharp breath and pulled away, what had I just done? I know I was thinking all those things about him yesterday, but for christ’s sake it was 3 am and now I had just kissed him for real. His was my first kiss if you don’t count last night… Omg I can’t believe this what just happened, I had just kissed a person I had only met yesterday! I know I don’t know anything about relationships but this can’t be normal.

I started to feel feverish and I started to panic. Louis was still looking at me with a mixture of emotions painted across his face, sadness, fear, confusion and worry. I abruptly stood up from the couch, threw on my shoes and bolted out of the front door, hearing Louis faintly calling my name.

Louis POV

Shit, what the hell had I just done, now I’ve scared him away, the only person I met ever have a chance with. But what the f… I just broke up with my boyfriend and now I’m pretty much sorta maybe in love with this other guy I just met. This is seriously messed up, But what on earth should I do, he probably thinks I’m a freak cuz I’ve literally only known him for maybe 12 hours and what am I even talking about, I am a freak. I’m a murderer for crying out loud, he’d never want to be with me if he knew the truth. But then again you can never know until you take a chance and I can’t let this guy I might seriously like or even love? Get away that easily…

So I quickly pulled on my coat and headed out the door hoping I would even find harry, let alone get a chance to talk to him. Running down the streets in search of the curly haired boy I whipped my head from side to side trying to find him.

And there it was a mop of chocolate brown curls vanishing into that same alleyway from yesterday. I swiftly rounded the corner and slammed into a hard chest. I looked up and met emerald eyes knowing that they belonged to harry and apparently he had also recognized me and he quickly backed away startled and scared but I held him close not wanting him to run from me. ‘ harry I-‘ I began but I was cut off ‘ Louis I’m sorry but I don’t know- I don’t know what to do…I don’t know…’ he trailed of looking extremely vulnerable and it hurt me to see him like that, I know it was strange for me to have feelings like this towards a ‘stranger’ but right know the only thing I was sure of, was that I wanted him to stop running away…’ Harry please listen to me-‘ ‘Louis, I don’t know, I’m sorry, I don’t understand….’ He kept repeating under his breath his gaze glued to the floor. ‘ Harry please just listen to me, please come back we can talk’ I stated shackily seriously doubting my ability to judge a situation but that was pretty much my only solution for whatever you would call this right now.

Breaking Point (Larry Stylinson)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon