Chapter 13

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Hey Loves! Enjoy vote and comment! The amazing @TaylorMint wrote pretty much the whole thing bar like 4 lines for Harry's POV so thanks to her!!! <3 <3 

Louis POV

‘Oh my god Harry, I am soo sorry’ Omg this is horrible how could someone like him be all alone out here, have no friends? I mean he is amazing and I can’t believe he had to go through all of that in his life. Is he crying? I have no idea what I should do now, I just want to comfort him. I want to be his friend, well friend for now and we’ll see how that continues… ‘I don’t need your pity party, Louis, you need someone else in your life. I won’t ever be a good friend. I don’t know how to be a friend Louis.’ I wanted to say it wasn’t true he could be a great friend and anyway he was a way better person than me, in every aspect, I wanted to tell him everything but now wasn’t really the right time to tell him that I was a criminal since he was sobbing in my arms.

 Ok, I have to do something, he should just come live with me, I mean he doesn’t have anywhere else to go and I can’t just leave him here. Honestly I’m not doing this out of pity at all, Harry is such a nice boy and what he had just said made my heart ache, you know when you feel like you can’t breath and you get all chocked up and you just can’t take it, cause it’s to overwhelming… Yeah well that sort of perfectly describes my emotional state right now. ‘It’s sorted you are coming to live with me Harry’ I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back down the road towards my flat.

As we were walking along in silence, except for him sniffling a little, I tried to make conversation, not wanting him to think I was doing this out of pity… ‘So Harry, I just really want to let you know that I’m not doing this out of pity, really I promise! I swear in the name of carrots!’ ‘In the name of carrots?’ Harry was looking at me confused… ‘Oh, yeah sorry like I say that all the time, because I said it once and it became this huge insider joke but it started to get annoying but I guess I still use it, like a lot….Sorry I’m rambling…’ Oh shit…. ‘Mhmmmm’ Well at least there was a stupid little grin planted on his face, and when he looked at me from the side he began to chuckle and well then I began to chuckle And then we both burst out into fits of laughter. And not being able to walk straight because of it, we stumbled and shoved each other playfully. ‘See- giggle it isn’t- giggle- that hard to be- giggle a friend, you know you’re already being one of the most amazing friends I’ve ever had’ I stopped and gently laid my hand on his shoulder, wanting him to believe me and never ever think he wasn’t worth it or he couldn’t be a good friend. Aww isn’t he sweet, blushing and looking at the ground, but I swear I was dead serious about what I had just said.

We finally reached the flat and I unlocked the door and let Harry enter first. ‘Ok so I don’t have a second bedroom so, I don’t know but we could both sleep in my bed, since it’s big enough for two…’ I trailed of shuddering at the thought of with whom I had shared it previously. ‘ Well if it doesn’t make you uncomfortable or anything, cause if it does I could just sleep on the couch and you could take the bed…’ I looked at him questioningly, omg wait this is so totally gonna make him uncomfortable! What was I thinking, he just said this was all so overwhelming and like what if he’s straight but ok I don’t really think he is cause he probably would’ve freaked out about the kiss so yeah, but still he just got out of an orphanage for crying out loud!

‘Um…I could sleep with you I guess, I mean if that’s ok with you…. Or maybe-‘ but I cut him off before he could change his mind ‘no it’s fine you can totally sleep with me, seriously’ And I smiled at him, the first genuine smile I had shown anyone in a while.

Harry POV

Maybe I should learn from Louis... I mean he is showing me already how to be a good friend. I mean look at him taking me in and everything that is very good friend like. "Thank you so much Louis like seriously" I blushed and looked to the ground. "I could use the company, I get lonely round here"

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