Chapter 4

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Hey Loves! Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far! WOOP WOOP Thanks to @TaylorMint for writing this chapter! We would LOVE votes and comments but you know do what you want xD .xx

Ok so what exactly am I supposed to do? I should probably find a job... but that's easier said than done and besides, who in their right mind would even want to hire a 17 year-old homeless boy? Yeah nobody...

Well I can't do anything about that now, so there's no point in worrying...

Instead I wondered about another something else that was still bugging me. Who would seriously build a seemingly useless concrete room? In an alleyway? I mean seriously?? Well anyway who ever like had that idea ya know thank The Lord they did. And i might as well take advantage of it since I won't find a better place before it gets dark so yeah, I'm just gonna have to live with it.

I was waiting for sleep to take over my body when I heard a rustling noise. Oh wait it's gone again, it's probably just a mouse. Who knows how many disgusting animals live here. But then again to most people I'm just another weird homeless guy.

After a while I had finally dozed off when I heard that same noise again and this time I'm sure it wasn't just a mouse. It sounds like people shouting and judging by the voices they're probably men.

Ugh I so do not need this right now, I just want to sleep, mhmmm yep sleep sounds pretty good right now...

OMG just shut the fuck up, the last thing I need is some probably drunk dudes barging in here and disturbing my now not so peaceful slumbers!

Feeling seriously pissed off I jumped up out of my previously curled up position and stumbled over to where I presumed the door must be.

I slowly pulled open the heavy door, revealing two men standing a couple feet away from me.

One of the was clutching his stomach and doubled up in pain. The man wearing the mask... Wait mask? What the...? Ok something's sorta weird here... Maybe I should go over there...

Then the terrible noise was heard and echoed eerily through the streets.

The man who had been clutching his stomach fell to the ground and his body went limp. He was dead.

I sucked in a sharp breath, what the fuck just happened??!

I did not just see that man get murdered, this is NOT real! I froze terrified and no longer had time to ponder the fact that I had just witnessed a murder, the criminal was starting to walk away from the crime scene.

Shit he's walking towards me, what if he saw me? What if I'm gonna end up as a victim of a murder?!

I mean I escape from an orphanage and then get murdered, my life sucks.

I held my breath noticing the man was still coming closer. I desperately hoped the dark shadows I was standing in would conceal my skinny body. I swear my hard was beating so hard I was scared HE would hear it.

Soon enough the man walked right past me and the only thing I could make out under the mask, was a pair of piercing blue eyes, that sent shivers up and down my spine.

When I was sure he was gone I let out a shaky breath, but my body was still being held captive by fear and I couldn't move.

What on earth had just happened?

Physically and mentally exhausted I slid down the door and tried to regain control of my brain that was spinning in overdrive from fear.

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