Chapter 20

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Hey Loves!! Sorry we haven't been as onto it with our updates but we have both been really busy lately!!! anyway vote and comment! Oh this chapter was written by the amazing @TaylorMint <3 xx

Harry’s POV

What the hell is wrong with me?

I’m literally walking into a death trap.

I’m crazy, I’ve gone completely mental, that is really the only logical explanation for this fucked up scenario.

I’m losing it, I’m completely out of my mind.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone watching me, quickly I spun around ready to run, again.

But all I saw was my own goddamn reflection in the window of the restaurant staring back at me,  I’m getting really paranoid.

Frankly I’m surprised because I haven’t had a full on melt down or panic attack, well yet in any case...

Because i can already feel the panic creeping up on me, my hands felt cold even though I was sweating underneath the sweater and shirt Louis had laid out for me.

I didn’t really want to wear them at first but my other clothes were ruined to say the least.'

It scared me that they smelt like him sort of bitter sweet in a way, reminding me what I was actually doing right now, I was going to see those perfect blue eyes again, the ones I had fallen for but on the other hand he was a crazy ass murderer who was likely going to kill me.

I was trying to be sarcastic but it was just a cover up for the panic that was really coursing through my mind and body, making my fingers tremble.

I knew I was late, and the only reason I had even shown up at all was the fact that I desperately hoped, he’d already left. And I clung on to that tiny bit of hope.

Deep down though, I knew he was waiting  somewhere in there for me, probably thinking of ways to kill me, that crazy arse, but even if he does kill me, even if he does turn out to be a heartless dick, I’d rather confront him first and then let him kill me than run and either get murdered or die of exhaustion without at least knowing what he has to say for himself.

Probably gonna get killed anyway and there’s really no point in running even though it doesn’t sound like the worst idea considering I was practically shaking in my boots.

My eyes trained on the handle on the glass door to the building that was joint to the hotel, it was silver and I could once again make out my reflection in it, but it was all twisted and looked scary, just like my life right now, just like whatever I was going to do now.

This was twisted and scary, he was twisted and scary.

Slowly as if trying to wipe the contorted image away I placed my hand on the piece of metal, willing my hand to stay still and not give away how terrified to death I was.

One deep breath and I pushed making the door open easily without a sound.

I felt like I was going to be sick, my breath and heartbeat quickened leaving me to swallow thickly.

I was still standing in the doorway, if I wanted I could still run, maybe I could still get out of here with my life.

Then I saw him, apparently he had seen me before I had realised he was even there and I was left with no choice but to let the door fall shut behind me.

He was wearing glasses and I couldn’t help but stare at him, not because he looked incredibly hot, which he did, but because he just didn’t look like someone who’d hurt anyone.

For one second I was tempted to just run up to him and hug him or anything really, I just wanted to touch him.

My gaze hardened however after that splitsecond of vulnerability because of course I knew better and I knew that he would and could hurt people.

Even if it had just been my trust and feelings he had hurt me and I had learned that the hard way.

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