Chapter 9

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Hey guys all the credit for this amazing chapter goes to @TaylorMint she really did an amazing job and says she thinks she is a bad writer! Are you kidding me!? this update was perfect! <3 <3 So go follow her if you haven't already! .xx

Louis POV

He was absolutely breathtaking, I mean seriously, with a mop of dark brown curls swept perfectly to the side and the rest framing that beautiful face of his. It should be illegal to be that hot. He steeped aside looking at me expectantly… Oh he was probably waiting for me to pass him, I must look like a complete idiot just standing here, checking him out. Chances are he isn’t even gay. Ok I should really do something now and not just stand here, since he had begun to stare at a point somewhere over my shoulder awkwardly.

There were three things I was absolutely sure of, oh look I’m quoting Twilight, First he was indescribably cute. Secondly he would make an incredibly good One Night Stand. And last but not least I really had to find out if he was gay or not and if not I’d defiantly have to get him really drunk. So lets begin with the flirting, cause I’m pretty sure I’ve been standing on the side walk for like 3 minutes now, he must think I’m nuts.

Harry POV

Ok this is extremely weird, he’s just standing there not saying anything, maybe he’s drunk… 

‘Um hey’ wait was he talking to me? I looked over my shoulder to make sure there wasn’t some hot girl standing behind me. But omg his voice sounded like sex, but he looks way to straight to fancy someone like me. Um.. I should probably answer

‘H-hi’ Seriously…nice stuttering there Harry. Someone that looks like sex on legs talks to you and you can’t even say hi without stuttering… I’m sooo proud of you, anyway snap out of it harry, he’s talking to you!

‘My name’s Louis, and who’s this gorgeous guy I’ve been so fortunate to run into?’ Did he just call me gorgeous? Did he just call ME gorgeous? Was he FLIRTING with me? Omg it would be absolutely perf if he were gay or bi or whatever, I have no clue anyways… ‘Harry, my name’s Harry…’ I said in a small voice, and I was pretty proud of myself since I had managed not to faint or stutter. ‘Harry...’ he screwed up his face in a completely adorable way making it look like he was thinking extremely hard ‘ It suits you… so babe this might seem really random but do you wanna go out and have a drink or two, cause it seems like we could both use each others company’ 

Did he like just ask me out, ok it isn’t really a date or anything but he just asked me if I wanted go have a drink with him. And wait, hold up. Please stop and rewind, this guy I’ve literally just met minutes ago called me gorgeous and then babe, what the hell does he see in me? but I could use a drink right about now, since I had become seriously flustered over the last few minutes. I mean was it just me or did it just get extremely hot over here? Well I think it’s safe to assume that he’s at least bi cause no straight man in his right mind would call a teenage boy gorgeous and babe… well anyway, here goes.. ‘uh sure… yeah that sounds fun’ Sounds fun, are you kidding me, jeez he better be gay cause if not I’d sure have a problem, this isn’t normal, a person shouldn’t have that kind of an effect on me. I swear it ain’t healthy. ‘Ok.. so that’s a yes, well it better be cause I’m taking me with you anyway’ he stated with a small smirk and a wink. Ok if this guy is straight he has a very, very weird way of showing it. And with that thought, he grabbed my hand making warm shivers run thru my body and pulled me with him down towards the center of town. Before this point I’d never known these kind of good shivers existed. I don’t even know why I agreed to go have a drink with this seemingly familiar stranger. But YOLO SWAAG! Idk why I added the SWAAAG but I guess I’m becoming a little bit more confident, jeez this guy, hot guy may I add is a bad influence on me….

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