Chapter 8

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Hey Loves! Again @TaylorMint wrote Louis POV and I attempted Harrys so I hope you enjoy Chapter 8 and the first little glimpse of LARRY! Kay bye bye! PS we would LOVE your votes and comments! xx

Louis POV

Three hours later and I was still sitting on the kitchen floor, feeling like my heart had just been ripped out. I know it sounds cliché but I seriously don’t know how to word this correctly right now. Just thinking about what had just happened made my eyes stung with salty tears threatening to start flowing down my cheeks. I miserably tilted my head towards the ceiling in a failed attempt to not start sobbing again, but I couldn’t help it, this was just to much to handle. I know I should be glad he finally left me and cant abuse me anymore but, I hadn’t pictured it ending like this, I hadn’t expected it to end so soon. And I certainly wasn’t ready to face reality, alone.

Violent sobs ran through my body, when I realized I was now completely and utterly alone. I was broken and it felt like I would never recover. And besides I was pretty much broke, I mean I still had money but it would only last for a few more months, considering I had to pay the rent all by myself now. The current situation had made me realize how much I depended on other people and I sure as hell didn’t like it. This wasn’t much of a life, but I think I’ve known that for a long time now, I was just scared of admitting it to myself. But I really had needed him sometimes, sometimes he had been there for me and I guess I had persuaded myself that the way he treated me was ok, I thought it was just a sort of love hate relationship, though love ya know… but I guess I was wrong. I know I’m contradicting myself right now but I really don’t know what happened to ‘us’ in the last few years, it just spiraled out of control and over time the lines between right and wrong and imagination and reality had begun to vanish. 

That’s one of the reasons I had started keeping a diary, it was full of my deepest and darkest secrets like the one about my ‘night life’. I swear if anyone ever read that I would be seriously screwed.

I would have to write all of this down. Making my way to the bedroom I got out my little notebook from under the mattress and held my pen to the crisp blank paper wondering what I should write. but soon enough I zoned out again and tossed my diary back onto the bed not caring where it landed and defiantly not finding the appropriate words to describe my mental state right now. I slumped down against the bed, my back resting against the end.

I resented him yet I still missed him. I guess you only realize exactly what meaning a person has for you when they’re gone, even if I wasn’t really sure, what kind of meaning he had for me and frankly I didn’t want to get caught up in such pathetic and depressing thoughts. I wanted to let off some steam, but not that way, not like usually. I didn’t want to be that person anymore… 

I sure was thirsty from all the crying I had been doing for the past few hours and I really needed something to drink now. Slowly I padded over to the sink and stuck my head under the tap taking large gulps of the icy cold water. The water ran down my throat quenching my thirst but I wasn’t satisfied yet. I searched through our cabinets, looking for the storage of liquor. When I found it, I opened one of the surprisingly fancy bottles and downed half of it in one swig. As the familiar burn prickeled down my throat I still felt myself yearning for something I couldn’t put my finger on.

Maybe I should get some fresh air now, maybe that would help me clear my head a bit. So I put on my shoes, not bothering to take a jacket with me and stepped out onto the peaceful streets of Doncaster, my home town. The cool wind snapped me out of my trance and I started walking aimlessly through the streets. The night was one of my favorite times here, everything was quiet and only illuminated by the soft glow of the occasional lamppost and the bright stars shining above me. My tossled hair being blown into my face and tickling my skin but I really didn’t care, it felt rather soothing at this point.

Rounding a corner I saw a figure standing with their back to me, but judging by the stature it was probably a teenage boy. I kept on walking towards him and I assumed he had heard me approaching because he turned around to face me


And I froze.

The probably most beautiful pair of green eyes ever to be seen by mankind, boring into my own…

Harry POV

I had a pretty good day to be honest, I just wandered around getting used to the fact I am free. Well the fact I am now a homeless dude that roams the streets. Meh it isn't too bad, the worst part is the fact I don't have any friends. I have no one to have a laugh to, no one to talk to at all. I guess i never really had that at the orphanage either so it's not a great loss.

I wander my way back to my small concrete room or my new home I guess. I really wish I had some form of Phone or one of those things that plays music? We had those boxes that plays music and talking back at the orphanage a radio or something? I would love on of those I could stay here and sing along. Yeah I love to sing, it is the only thing I did to pass the days at the orphanage.

I grab a packet of chips and head outside standing in the alleyway. It's quite peaceful and quiet out here, the only problem it is seriously dirty so I can't exactly sit down and enjoy my chips but that's alright. I put all my weight against the wall and place the chips one after the other in my mouth savouring the taste. WHY did they not give us these back at the orphanage. You may ask why I never call the orphanage home like most the kids do? It's because I couldn't bear the place it was the worst place possible. You get treated like shit and you only get the basic things and when you don't want to be adopted and spend 9 years in the place you wanna go crazy.

I begin to daydream, still enjoying my salt and vinegar flavoured chips. These taste like heaven oh my god. I then hear footsteps, they don't sound very regular like the person is confused and wobbling about the alleyway I look over to see a man with piercing blue eyes. THE KILLER!? can't be he looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly, holy shit he is gorgeous. Yeah i forgot to add I never had any friends at the orphanage because yep you guessed it I'm gay. Oh my god that guy is really hot! I drop my gaze and lean back against the wall, he wouldn't want to talk to a homeless guy.

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