Chapter 6

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Hey Loves! Another team effort the amazing @TaylorMint wrote Louis POV and I attempted Harrys! So here you go! <3 .xx

Louis POV

Even though I was completely covered by the sheets I felt numb and cold. The sunlight was streaming through 'our' bedroom window but not in a comforting way, it was more like the bright light was taunting me and laughing at my 'life'. 

I tried to gain some warmth by curling up into a ball and tucking the blanket around my small figure, but nothing helped. I ached for someone to hold me in their arms, and once again I found myself wishing for the impossible, to find my soulmate, to find my lover for life.

Feeling absolutely miserable I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. Like I had expected there was a note taped to the door that read: Hey, I'm off to work I expect lunch to be ready and on the table when I come home. I do not want another cold lunch like last time!

I flinched at the thought of what he had done to me 'the last time' Just thinking of it made me shiver and not the good shiver either. That's what I really wanted, someone who could make me shiver in the good way and hopefully I could have the same effect on them... Here we go again, wishing for something that is certain, never to happen...

Harry POV

Crack, yep there goes my neck. I very slowly get myself up,  I would love to tell you all I have a plan of attack but I really don't. I would love to get a job but I have no form of ID, Nothing. I could mop around this concrete room or 'My house' it is called at the moment. I open up the packet of biscuits and begin stuffing my face. I didn't realise how hungry I was.

I get myself halfway through the packet. Harry you gannet. I take a swig of water and sit up. I really hope that dead body has gone because if it hasn't and I expose myself I will be the one to blame. Maybe last night didn't happen? Maybe I just feel asleep and was having a nightmare. I mean of course I will get nightmares living alone on the streets. I wonder if anyone at the orphanage is coming looking for me, I wonder if they even care I'm gone.

I mean what was I to them, Just another orphan a 17 year old high maintenence teen that no one would want to adopt. That's what I certainly felt like. The only problem is now I have to fight for myself, It's my decision what I do with my life. Oh for christ sake I hope it turns out good.

That's it! I am heading out, yeah well no where in particular. Might as well explore but I need to avoid this killer. All I know is he has blue eyes, good one Harry probably 1/4 of the population has blue eyes that really isn't anything to go on. Ok so look out for someone suspicious, that is the best plan of attack. Nope plan of attack that SOO was not the right word to put in there Harry.

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