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Jungkook pov:                                                                         

                   What don't you get it huh?
              Ever since I lay my eye on you
         I can't seem to get you out of my head
       What are you doing to me lady, you keep appearing every where I go, your eyes that beautiful perfume that always Legers around even when you are gone,that sweet smile that makes everything bad around me disappear,that laugh, that sexy body of your that I want to tear off the walls and make you forget that you are on earth.
You drive me crazy,I want you so bad.
You make me so happy.

Jimin: Wake up jungkookie,it's time to go to practice.
Are you waking up or just ignoring me?
Hyung told me to wake you up Kookie
Jungkook: huh
Jimin: get out of bed before I go take a bucket of water an pour it on you
Jungkook: gosh damn,I'm up!! I'm up!! You don't have to me this extreme early in the morning
Jimin: it's already 8 in the morning
Jimin: so you were sapost to be up around 7, what happen to your alarm huh?
Jungkook: I forgot to put alarm on my phone
Jimin:  again?
Jungkook: yes hyung again (rolls his eyes)
Jimin: so tell hyung what you were dreaming about huh,big boy? (Smiles)
Jungkook: what do you mean by that? I didn't dream anything?
Jimin: are you sure about that big man? (Smirks)
Jungkook: what are you talking about? You are creeping me out hyung.
Jimin finely looks down at the boy's pants were the growing tan was visible, jungkook finely notice and run to the bathroom and lock the door behind him.
He wanted to scream at everything around him cause he knows the dream was not a wet dream then why the fuck was he hard and over a dream of a faceless girl that he has not meet or seen before,it was just a strong feeling he had but was not sure what it means to dream about a person you never seen,met or never gonna meet.
He finely got out of the bathroom after he freshen up and he thank God that he was alone so that jimin hyung will not ask questions but he knows jimin hyung will not let it be,he went to the kitchen where everyone was there he greet his hyungs,eat and went to practice for a full tour concert booked full all around the world.
Everyone is excited to travel in 2 weeks time nobody can wait, they want to meet army's all around.
When they took a break jimin and taehyung came and sit next to jungkook while they drink water and eat finely the silence between the 3 was killing them
Taehyung: so?
Jimin: so ja right?
Jungkook kept eating and looking at both his hyungs with a weird expression,he sighs knowing they will annoy him even if he keeps ignoring them
Jungkook: so you had to tell taehyung too huh? (Sighs)
Jimin: hey,you know that is my soulmate and anything I know,he sees right through me an he knows with out me telling him so technically I didn't say shit,he just read me like a book
Jungkook: so you are telling me that hyung came up to you and he read you?
Taehyung: what can I say I got talent in my soulmate department (smirks)
Jungkook: huh okay fine,I had a dream about a girl that I have never met or seen before that's all
Jimin: oh, and the girl gave him a big boner
Jungkook: hyung!?
Taehyung: oh,my little brother has grown
Jungkook:what the fuc.....
Jimin & Tae: don't you dare swear,we are your hyungs boy...lol,we said it at the same time jicks,you are buying me dumplings
Jimin: no you are
Tae: no you are
Jimin: Tae I said it first shut up and go buy me dumplings later
Tae: no,you can't do that I said it first
Namjoon: seriously both of you stop arguing and nobody is buying any dumplings,do you both always forget when ever you both involve dumplings,you guys don't end up talking for a week even though you miss each other after the fight, jungkookie is not gonna go back and forth between both of you guys just to send him to each other...so stop your little bickering or Jin hyung will get involve and we know you both don't want that.
Tae: but we are not gonna fight over dumplings,we are grown man now an we love each other more then dumplings hyung
Jimin: ja hyung Taetae is telling you the truth,that other fight is in the past we won't let that happen again we are mature now
Jin: oh really, aren't you Tae the one who cried over cartoon character dieng and jimin aren't you the one that cried over Tae having other friends outside our group then us and you guys fought over Tae Gucci t-shirt last night huh?
Jimin: that is not true,we were having a cute, lovely talk about him giving the t-shirt to someone else without talking to me first
Jin: but why did he have to tell you first I don't get it?
Jimin: because he knew I wanted that t-shirt first
Tae: but Jiminy I said I was sorry,I forgot there were alot of things going on in my head
Jimin: I forgave you already Taetae
Tae: yeah!
Jin:what the hell, seriously I'm done
Jungkook: ok,I better go before they notice me again.

Break is over
We start to practice our dance and hobie hyung is on teacher mode to the point were he will make you cry if you make 4 more mistakes in a raw, luckily we are alot scared but abit use to the scary look hobie hyung gives us when we do mistakes,hey we never called him the sun for no reason cause he can burn your ass in to flames when he is in teacher mode

After that long day,we finally reach home plopping ourselves on the couch, ground just to have a little time out to breath.
Since we relax abit Jin hyung call food dilvery,we eat and yoongi hyung went to his room straight after we finish eating,Tae,jimin and hobie hyung relax on the couch and watch a movie and RM hyung went to read a book at least that's what he told us before he went to his room an Jin hyung was washing the dishes and I helped out before going to my room taking a cold shower and got nocked out when I lay my head on the pillow,I fall asleep so quickly and all I could think about is "who is she?" "Have I met her but just don't recognize her?" "Is she one of our fans that I have met?" "What does it mean if I dream about her but don't know her?" "But she is so beautiful in my dreams" "maybe my mind is playing tricks on me" 
I drevded off into my dreamland

End of chapter 2!
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