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3rd person pov

Y/n prepared everything and wear casual clothes a loss jean,a tight top that hold her upper body in a sexy way and sneakers,she call a taxi and finely reach bang p.d's hotel...
She went to the receptionist and she is told to wait for bang p.d in the waiting area.
Bang p.d came down and greet y/n with a hug and a good morning, just behind him came 7 tall hot,sexy,cute,handsome man...
Bank p.d: this is the boys that I told you about and that we are traveling with,this is Namjoon,Jin, Yoongi, jhope,jimin, taehyung and jungkook they are BTS and guys this it y/n,she will be traveling with us to Seoul and she will come along for the two weeks concert...
Y/n:nice to meet you guys (bows)
BTS: nice to meet you to y/n
Jungkook made eye contact with y/n and he was shocked at first but now he feels like he has a chance to be around her more and he will be enjoying his traveling more now(smirks) on the other hand y/n is frozen in place,she never thought she will cross with jungkook again..
BTS put on their musk and they all went to the plane,they are settle in the plane, while they are in the air fly to their next concert,y/n went to the toilet and when she is done,she open the toilet door just to be pull and push on the wall,she is stuck between a wall and Jungkook's arms on either side of the wall,she did got abit shocked from the pulling and pushing out of the blue..
Jungkook: sweetheart,why didn't you tell me you know my boss and that you are going with us huh?
Y/n:I didn't know he is your boss and he was talking about you guys..
Jungkook cooed: don't be shy baby,I don't want you to look at the floor,look up in to my eyes when I'm talking to you (he smirked,he knew what he was doing to you and your body,the fact that you are so nervous and can't keep eye contact with him, it's so hot to him)
You try your best to pull your eyes away from the floor to gather up enough courage to keep eye contact with him but your legs felt so weak like you are about to lose your balance and fall due to his intends stare but you hold up your own and keep the eye contact..
Jungkook: isn't that better baby girl? (Smirks)
You just nod your head as a yes cause you are too afraid that if you open your mouth again you will stutter like the first time you met or that you will purr out your dirty thoughts right there and then...
Jungkook came close to your neck,so close that you can feel his breath on your neck going to your ear,he whispers:you smell so good..
He went back to your neck and you can feel his nose in your neck and his breath so hot on your neck...
It became so hard for you to control your breathing,you can feel your heart beating so loud that you are afraid that he can hear it,your breathing is so uneven you don't know what to do with yourself and your legs became noodles,but you hold yourself up.. luckily for you,you both heard Jin making noise so jungkook leaved to go see what happen but before he went he turn to you and said we are gonna have so much fun this two weeks...
When he went out of side,you fall to the floor,you felt like your heart is on the floor in front of you,you don't know what you are feeling or thinking, your mind is too clouded for you to hear yourself think straight...

Jungkook pov
I know I'm wrong for what I did but I wanted to see her resist me,I wanted to see whether she will push me away but the fact that she got nervous,I could hear her uneven breathing and also I could see she was trying not to fall but the fact that she decided to be strong and show me her strength through all that,it's just made me even more hard for her and her scent it's a turn on,I don't know wether this is because I haven't had sex in a long time because of our busy schedules or wether I want her to myself completely....I just want to taste every part of her body and thinking about her under me screaming my name is making me weak...
Anyways when I reach where Jin hyung is,I saw him arguing with namjoon hyung but I'm sure it's because namjoon broke something again..

Namjoon:I'm sorry,I didn't mean to....I'm sorry
Jin:you can hurt or break the other members but how dare you break my most prize property?
Namjoon: look,I will make it up to you and I will do whatever you want me to do but please don't end up giving me the silent treatment,it will hurt me more than anything... please
Jungkook:what did you break hyung?
Namjoon:his mirror (he said it with a broken voice)
I really feel bad for him,cause he can't be beaten with Jin's pink spoon for punishment like the maknea line is...
Namjoon: please jinnie don't give me the silent treatment,I will die without hearing your smooth, beautiful voice please sweet heart..
We are all shocked because we can see Jin hyung blushing like a teenager... now I understand when people say I get the charms and sweet talk from my father in the group, namjoon hyung is fact to turn an angry Jin hyung into a blushing teenage hyung...what Jin hyung said after that shocked everyone even the world stop spinning...
Jin: it's okay namjoon,I forgive you...
We all honestly thought we were in another world, Jin hyung forgive someone for breaking his mirror,if it was us we will be punished for even touching his mirrors, namjoon hyung really got the power...
Namjoon: thank you,I will buy you all the mirrors you,I will hug you every night for a month and I don't mind giving you peck kisses all over your face to let you know how beautiful and handsome you are...
Jin shocked:uu...mmm.. no,no,no it's okay,you can buy me the mirrors but we will go together so that I can pick them up so you wouldn't break them before they reach home and about the kisses,hugs and compliments it's fine you don't have to do that...
Namjoon:but I want to and I'm not taking no for an answer,in fact (namjoon stood up and kiss Jin on his nose, cheeks and plum lips) you are beautiful,sexy and hot...
Jin hyung stood there like a fish out of water feeling like there is not air and namjoon pull him on his lap and hold him tight...
All of us just keep quiet and moved on with our life's...
I went and sit down in my chair,y/n sat down at her spot and we all enjoy the plane...
We reach another town,we went to our hotel,y/n is placed in the same hotel room as us since the fans or paparazzi shouldn't see her as a friend,bank p.d told her to be one of the makeup artist since she said she can do makeup and love clothing...

I'm sorry if this chapter is short...
There may be English mistakes I didn't double check well and I'm sorry for that,this story is just from the top of my head,hope you enjoy it... comment down below what you think so far?
Don't worry,the story will get better, dramatic,hot and wet hold on to your loss socks...😘

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