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Jungkook pov

The concerts was so tiring,but I love performing in front of Army...
We just finish our last performance for today and we are traveling tomorrow to the next city..we are sitting in the sitting room eating that's when namjoon hyung got a call,he excuse himself to go talk privately, what's so strange about this is they don't call this late unless there is a problem that involve us,we are kinda nervous thinking maybe we did not perform well or we did not do our best or one of us is in trouble but when namjoon hyung comes back he tell us it's not a problem that any of us did, which we relax to that news but he said we have to make a pit stop to pick up bank p.d at Windhoek,now that I think about it bank p.d is still not back from his trip to Windhoek,he was suppose to meet us half way through the concert and I haven't notice him appear this pass two weeks, namjoon hyung said that bank p.d's airplane broke down and they were trying to fix it and not let us worry but he guess that it's gonna take too long and bank p.d has alot of other work to do,so we have to pick him up and finish the tour of the concert together..

I'm alot excited cause I have never seen Windhoek before and we told bank p.d that we want to stay there for the day and we go the next day morning time,then that means we can rest in the plain before we reach there and we can go side seeing abit and lucky for us bank p.d agreed since he is guilty for making us come pick him up in the first place...we went and pack our things and drove to our private plane and now we are ready to sleep and see Windhoek tomorrow....

Y/n pov

You won't believe my ass,this pass two weeks I have been in shit from left to right..let me update you, the next morning after that night of the ball party,I went to work as usual and her came tesha with two police officers in the middle of the restaurant and I got arrested infront of everybody...does she really have to make this a big scene for me to look like a criminal infront of the customers and my co-workers,I knew I was fucked up for laying my hands on a rich bitch....
I ended up at the police station being questioned about the "abuse and mental health" I cause tesha...I told my side of the story and they did not believe me until John came and defended me and told his side of the story so luckily one of the officer believe me later on and he ask tesha to drop the charges, rather than me being in jail,she can get a restraining order to keep me far away from her but she also said she wanted me fired from the restaurant because "I'm a hoe that sleeps with her husband for her money"..she said it's the only way she will drop the charges,if I don't get fired she wants to go to court but rather then me having a record of being fired,I quit in side the police office and I told tesha I'm going to just take my things out of my locker at work,this bitch decided I have to be excoted by the police to go take my things cause I might "steal" things...
I'm so fucked up now I don't have a job and nobody wants to hire me after that whole scene that tesha made and to make it worst she went around to businesses owners telling them I'm a thief,a money hungry hoe and a social climer,my reputation was becoming sour by the day,I couldn't afford the rent,the vocal lesson,my brother's fee since I didn't have a job and to help out my mom,I was at the point of losing my mind and losing hope if it weren't for the dance lessons I was going to,to dance my life away because I fucked up bad for helping my boss..
And to make things more crazy John want to pay for my rent,my brother's fee,my vocal lesson,buy my food and toiletries until "I get back on my feet",he said he does not want to ask for anything in return and that he was doing this only because he felt guilty for asking for my help in the first place and for the fact that he didn't know how crazy tesha is,he said it was a way for him to "apologize" to me till I stand on my own two feet and that he has a lot of money and he wouldn't mind helping me out...
But I'm not that stupid, that's him actually turning in to my own sugar daddy and I haven't reach that low point in my life to start selling my body for money... nothing comes for free, even if it was his fault,I don't want to owe him anything,I don't want him to come collect and when I don't have anything to give him than it will turn in to body repayment...that's what has been happening to me from that day...now here Iam sitting at a park thinking about all my problems and no solutions,the owner wants me out by this end of the week,I told my mom that I lost my job and she told me she had been saving up abit here and there and selling meat and fruits at home,so her and my brother can survive for at least 4 month and if I want abit of cash to help myself out she can send for me,I told her I just need abit for toiletries and food till I find a job but being here in Windhoek has proven to be hard for me to find a job but I don't have even money to travel to another city to find a job...
I want to cry so bad but than I remember that I have a best friend, she said if I ever need to travel or need help in anyway I should call her but I haven't even seen her for so long maybe she has even forgot me,let me just try...I guess it won't hurt to try right...

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