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3rd person

Y/n could not get a break, it's like the work was doubling up alot in this week,she was being ask to do extra this, extra that...to the point were she was going late to her lessons, even the teachers are getting upset because they both have to wait for her extra time and finish later than usual...

When she reach home her body is paining so much to the point were she can't even move to eat, she just go shower and sleep at this rate,she think she will end up losing weight...so she thought about what her boss offered her but she has a bad feeling deep down she just doesn't know what?
So she kept working for the past three extra days and she couldn't handle it anymore,she is beyond tired and hungry so she agreed to her boss's offer to pay for one of her lesson in full and the week off cause she really did need it... John took her shopping for her dress,shoes, necklace and perseus and to tell u that her dress is to die for is an understatement(use your imagination to put a sexy,classy red dress) she was given one day off before the ball to rest and she took it,she ate,shower and sleep her heart out cause she needed it and she also cancel the lessons for two days

*Back to Hybe Inc*

Bank P.D is going to the private airplane to go to the ball,he packed everything he needed and he is on his way to Windhoek.
BTS members and crew started traveling for the concert..

Bank P.D reach Windhoek after along travel,he needs to eat,shower and rest for tomorrow's event,he went to the hotel he booked...
He enjoyed the view while eating room service and after that he shower and lay in bed while enjoying t.v

It's finally morning time,he bath,enjoy abit off the sun,he walk around abit since the ball party will start at 5 o'clock,he went shopping and just to get to know the place abit better...he went to different restaurants to enjoy the service..while at one of the restaurant he met the owner John,they have met before at the ball party so they want to caught up... John and bank P.D just enjoy each others company for a while and they said they will meet at the ball party..
Bank P.D went back home to start getting ready so did John and he text you to get ready also so he can pick you up when you are done...

To say the list that I'm not that exited is an understatement..I kinda feel like a hoe for doing this for a man doing something for me back but hey we already reach the point of no return since my dance teacher called me a few hours ago telling me that my dance lesson has been paid in full,yup, there is no going back from this but at least I can get drunk and enjoy myself even if all those rich uptight people at the party will judge me I don't give a fuck at this point,I'm already dealing with paying my brother's school fees, helping out my mom,paying for my own renting place,food and lessons the list goes on and on and on and I just need a night off from everything so this is my night to get fucked up..I'm done and I look dead gorgeous,my make up is on flick,my dress holding my body tight it on another level,I can make a man or woman drool in this dress...I texted John a while ago and he was on his way,the bell ring... that's him it's time to shit face..
I open the door and John is drooling and he zone out,I know I look good but he better get a grip on himself before he falls,we are doing this to make his wife regret her cheating behaviour and to make everyone have their eyes on us and John's ego high up,I snap and wave my hand infront of his face to snap him out of his zone,he finally came back from it and he compliments how beautiful,sexy and hot I look..I just said thank you and he drove us to the ball party... and when we enter everyone's  eyes are on us and I can feel them looking at me...there are alot of rich people here and I just told John I need a drink,he goes and bring me light drinks,I guess it's a good way to start the party..I can feel tesha looking at me like she is burning holes in the back of my head,I tried hard to avoid her and I got to meet bank P.D he is nice and adorable...I told him im a waitress at John's restaurant and that I'm no a rich  lady,he didn't mind..I thought he will walk away from our table where me and John are sitting after I told him that but he said he didn't mind...all 3 of us talk,drink and laugh making jokes here and there...I want to pee after so many drinks I went to the toilet and damn my luck here is tesha behind me,she push me hard in to the wall and pull me in to the toilet to lock the door behind me...
Tesha:wtf what do you want you social climer?
Y/n:(damn that was fast no hello)hello ma'am?
Tesha: don't hello me bitch wtf you want with my husband you thirsty hoe?
Y/n: aren't you the one here also with another man? I don't get it if he is your husband why didn't you come with him yourself?
Tesha slap me
Tesha: whatever the fuck is going on with my husband and me is non of your business you slat.
Tesha slap me again hard and i fall down,she starts to kick me in my stomach harder,I hug myself tight from the pain...I feel so small and pathetic, I'm too drunk to fight back and I really am not in the mood to fight her,I just needed a day off but nope,here Iam getting my ass beat by a crazy, jealous hoe..
She finally stop kicking me and look down at me and said...
Tesha:look at you now, how pathetic you look,how much off a loser you look,you are trying to fit in with the rich by sleeping with another man's husband,how low of a hoe are you.... John is mine and I don't care whether I cheat or devoice him,my property is mine alone bitch....haaa haaa hhaaa haaa
(Yup I put my ass in this situation)
Y/n:hey,tesha(caugh) you can stick it up your ass you bitch.
I kicked her and she fall,I sit my sweet ass on top of her and started to bounch her left and right...I was sick of her talking shit about me at this point...I didn't care about the concequnces I will face at this point...I hate this bitch at this moment...
I stand up,fix my dress, check out my face and you can see that I got slapped in the face but that didn't matter,I just want to go out of this damn party before I get arrested for beating a rich bitch in the bathroom,I'm sure they won't believe me if I told the police that she started it first....I ran to were bank p.d and John are sitting and I told them to take the strong alcohol and let's get the fuck out of this party..they didn't question it at first so we went out and just started to walk around abit I know they were waiting for me to tell them what happen so I told them both what happen in the toilet every detail and they were shocked at first but started to laugh hard at what happen and it was kinda funny after I relax abit I also started laughing with them,we went and sit at the park and enjoy the moonlight and stars and we just drank,laugh and enjoy the night away...

John drop me back home after hugging me abit too long for my liking and bank p.d went back to his hotel...
I won't lie I did kinda have so much fun here and there... I'm too drunk to think about what will happen to me tomorrow with the whole tesha thing...damn,I know I fucked up but I can't regret it tonight...

Hey guys please don't be a ghost reader, comment,enjoy and recommend my book to others please..I will appreciate it alot...and when I write y/n as I,it's just the same...you can read it as you or how ever it suit you...

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