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3rd person's pov

The next morning some people couldn't open their mouth to talk they were reliving the yesterday's events and by some people, I mean jin, yoongi, y/n...they are all sitting at the dinner table the performance will start around 6 night time so they were going to pre-practice in the morning.

Jungkook: good morning hyungs?
Hyungs:good morning jungkookie
Jungkook:why is everyone so quiet today, you guys usually make noise early in the morning what happen last night?
Jin:n-o-thing h-a-ppen (stuttered)
Yoongi:we just fall asleep, we were tired from the trip (he answered with a straight face)
Jungkook: ohkay...sure
Taehyung: I can also feel the awkward-ness maybe that's what jungkook is talking about (he said while being carious)
Jimin: ssssshhhhh, shut up take (he step on tae's feet under the table to keep him quiet)
Tae: ouch that hurt jimin, stop!
Jimin:keep quiet than.
Tae:what!? You step on me and not even a sorry and now you want me to shut up...okay(he replied with annoyed and upset)
Jimin:look I'm sorry tae tae but you will make things wierd and uncomfortable if you keep saying things like that
Tae:are you calling me wierd jiminie? ( he asked with a shocked and disbelieve in his eyes)
Jimin:no I would never, I just said the situation that you are talking about, they are shy and they don't want to bring it up taehyungie (he replied with a small, sad voice)
Tae could almost hear the way jimin almost start tearying up, he pick jimin up and put him on his lap and just hug and kiss him all over his face, they were both in their own world oblivious to the rest of the members and y/n looking at the situation unfold in front of their eyes, in front of their salad...
Take:I'm sorry jiminie, I know sometimes I don't read the room and blur out whatever comes in my mind without seeing whether the others want to talk about it or not and when you try to let me know that they don't want to talk about it I get upset, I'm so sorry...(he kept kissing jimin all over his hand and his face while still holding him on his lap)
Jimin:its okay, next time I will let you know in a much sweeter way than stepping on your feet...I'm sorry about that and also I'm so sorry for making you feel or think that you are wierd cause you are not, you are very artistic and unique and that means you are one of a kind only created for me...
Tae cooed and kept kissing him
Yoongi:guys, you know we are all fucken sitting here at the table with you while you keep kissing your boyfriend in front of our food, I don't want to see that while (annoyed)
Jimin:we are not boyfriends but you want to see it while you are not eating ey? (Smirks)
Yoongi:what the fu.....
Namjoon: okay guys don't do that while we are eating, do it in your own privacy, now lets eat cause we have to go practice.
The others nod and agreed with their leader, so everyone even y/n ate finish and bath,  they were taking her along to the practice and performance and she will be back stage in the stuff room with the other stuff members...
So all went and bath after eating...no body brought up the last night things...

They reach the back stage and there weren't much people, there were only the stuff that were checking,  the stage stuff, mics and fixing everything to make sure nothing goes wrong.... Since y/n had never seen their performances, practice or anything BTS related,  she came and sit in front of the stage where they were preparing to practice...the stuff did not mind her being there, they even gave her the stuff member ID...

They started to practice and y/n is falling inlove and getting bias wrecked left and right....she didn't know what came over her but she started screaming her ass off, telling them she loves them and want to marry them...she just couldn't control her emotions...she is over the top crying,  happy, excited and proud of them...when baepsae started she is wet on the floor not controlling herself any more...she starts calling them daddy, husbands, lions, tigers....she couldn't control herself and the stuff members were taking a video recording of the whole thing and most of them were laughing their ass off and some were amazed at the power BTS hold against any human to melt in front of them like that....

By the time when the practice is over, y/n is in the stuff room her head in her hands, emberess at how she acted out there...she didn't want to look BTS in their faces any more, she is thinking off going and drowning in a pool of chocolate and die a sweet death....now she understand why they are very famous, they are really talented and can cause any human a heart attack or melt them in front of their eyes...
She didn't want the group to come back back stage because she is sure they will make fun off her for how she acted out the but they end up coming back stage after a few minutes and they saw y/n state and they knew she is emberess and shy about the whole screaming and name calling so they didn't want to emberess her more...

Yoongi: so y/n how was the practice show experiance for you huh?
Yoongi:hey, don't be so shy, you are not the only one that does that at our performances..it happens to alot of them..
Y/n took her time to lower her hands from her face and the emberessment and shy-ness can be readen all over her face...
Yoongi:you see, no one is gonna make fun of you....but I can be your DADDY any day (smirks)
Y/n whine loudly and put her face back in to her hand and tried not to scream....
The rest of the members laugh at her cuteness and emberessment overload....

Few hours later BTS perform a show stopping performance.... While y/n got out of her emberessment an watch them from back stage...she was so masmerise from their performance... She loved it so much that she put a reminder in her head to go on youtube and watch all their live performance....

I know I up date slow, its just  a lot of different shit going on in my life, I got dumped by a MF but don't worry lovelies I will find time to keep up dateding and to finish the book....thanx for holding on...please comment, like an recommend....im sure there are spelling mistakes I could not proof read because im writing this page while I'm in work....

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