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This story is dedicated to Goddard, a Labrador dog who was put down 06/29/2021. He was a good boy, and will be missed.
2009 - 2021. May he chase his tail in heaven.
In case you didn't know, this is the sequel to my previous story, Feral: Days of Darkness. If you hadn't read Days of Darkness in its entirety, then, uh, do. Enjoy.

The planet of Sparks. Where all the star-born beings from across every end of galaxy come.
A peaceful place for all species to mingle and be at peace, one may think.
The hunting grounds of the Dark Sparks, led by Daran the Dark Lord.
The very place of Daran's destruction by the paws of Emerald, a kitsune who's bravery was bigger than the forest, and Ruby, a Senri whose compassion burns brighter than any flame.
A ravaged land for a time, but liberated from the wretched grasp of the Dark Lord.
A peaceful planet once more."

A werewolf groaned. "Uuuugh. Who writes a book like that? And why do you like it?"
A kitsune closed the book. "Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Critical, but you just don't understand poetry.
The werewolf rolled his eyes.
"Hey!" A red fae across the room yelled. "If you're done jabbering, come help me with these boxes!"
The two got up and ran to help.

The room was some kind of steampunk warehouse. There were several Sparks around, all wearing gray outfits of some kind. Most them had weapons. Swords, spears, axes...
The fae, kitsune and werewolf pushed a box around, into a nice, snug, corner.
"Ever wonder why we need so much crap?" The kitsune asked.
"What do you mean?" The fae asked, stretching his arms.
"Like, why does management care about these boxes? Doesn't it make you wonder what's... inside?"
The werewolf thought for a second. "Huh. You know, he's right. Why do we? Why is management so concerned? Makes me just wanna-"
The fae interrupted. "Now, now. I can see where your curiosity comes from, BUT, we have a job to do: ship these boxes. And we get paid."
The kitsune and werewolf looked at each other, confused. They looked around at several other guys.
"Too... where?"
"I dunno. I just boss you idiots around." The fae walked off.

The two workers then sat back down.
"You know, I saw something really cool the other day." The kitsune said. I saw-"
The kitsune stopped as he heard what sounded like a scream outside. He then saw something fall in front of the window.
"What was that?"
"Eh. It's probably just Emmet overdosing his dye again. You know how he is." The werewolf said.
"Yeah. Yeah I do." The kitsune shuddered.
The kitsune saw something in his book that caught his attention.
"Ooh, ooh, look at this!"
"It says here, that-"
Suddenly the door was knocking.
The fae ran over. "Who's here?"
"Pizza delivery!" Someone yelled outside.
"Ooh, that must be me!" The werewolf said. He got up and answered the door.
The kitsune continued reading, and sipped a drink out of his cup. The fae decided to take a sit as well.

The werewolf opened the door, and found a blue-grayish kitsune with the pizza.
"Here you go, darling." She handed the pizza over.
"Ooh finally!" The werewolf took it and pulled out a wallet. "Now what will that be?"
"Now let's see.. that would be 80 likes, plus 8 for tax..."
"Mhmm..." the werewolf pulled out his likes out of his wallet.
"...and the cost of crime."
"Wait wha-"
Suddenly, a spear flew into the door, impaling the werewolf! It sent him flying as the spear was in his chest, pinning him against the wall inside the warehouse!
The kitsune, fae, and everyone else in the room reacted in fear.
"You know this is less painful than I thought." The werewolf said, before going limp.
"DAH! Aw hell!" The kitsune screamed, getting a sword.
"Dang it! We're under attack! Battle stations!" The fae screamed.
The delivery kitsune threw off her hat and put on a gray hood over her head. The spear flew back to her side.
"Alright! NOW!"

Feral: Rise of the WieldersWhere stories live. Discover now