Chapter 9: Forests of Memories

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"Good morning!" Said a male voice next to the team of Azure, Lyte, Shard and Darla heard next to them. The team immediately readied themselves as soon as they heard it.
"Who's there?!" Lyte Yelled.
Azure looked behind a tree in the dark forest, and found something peculiar.
It was the village they were just at a few seconds ago. It looked almost entirely the same, except it was surrounded by the mysterious trees. They looked around, and found its kobold residents. However, they were... different. Something about them was... off.
Lyte walked up to a kobold hanging up clothes. "Hello." He said, trying to get her attention. The villager didn't respond, as if she didn't hear him. "Uh, hi?" He tried to get her attention by waving his wing in front of her face. She still didn't react. "What the hell?"
Darla walked to a young orange senri kit. She tried to touch his Spark, but her hand went right through him. The areas on the senri's fur that were around Darla's claw turned slightly gray. "These people... what is going on?"
Shard tried moving a rock on the ground to another location, but it immediately teleported back to its position. "What is dis place anyway? Wha's goin' on 'ere?!" Shard asked.
"I don't understand it. It's the Ogasa Village, but something is off." Azure said to himself. "What's going on?"
"Be safe, okay sweetheart?" Azure heard a woman's voice call out and turned in the direction of a house, with someone walking out the door.
"Okay, mom!" A small child walked out the door. It was a green kitsune, he had no antlers, along with a small tail with a green tip. The cute pup walked happily outside.
"Good morning, Emerald!" A villager farming waved at the kitsune.
"Good morning, Marilyn!" He said as he walked by.
"What the-" Lyte was confused. "That kid did look familiar..."
"Emerald? Was that him?" Azure asked.
"Hmm. I think I understand." Darla came to the realization. "Remember what the First said? When a Spark is shattered, it's fragments will fly to locations important to its memory. What if this is that - a memory of Emerald that spilt out?"
Everyone thought. "That sounds logical. But what makes this memory important?" Lyte asked.
"Be safe, okay sweetheart?" The woman's voice repeated. Unbeknownst to them, the memory looped.
"What do we do now? This memory may just keep looping." Lyte groaned.
Azure then saw an archway of two tree standing against a rock, with a light coming through it. "What's That?" He pointed.
The team walked through it, curiously. After going through it, they were at Hallowmist Crossing.
"This is getting trippy." Lyte said, confused."
Azure could then hear what sounded like a young boy crying. He turned around and saw a small blue werewolf crying, sitting close to the edge of the crossing. "Is that..."
The young Emerald was then seen walking by happily. The kitsune pup then saw the werewolf pup crying, and walked over to him.
"Are you Okay?" Emerald asked.
"I lost it." The werewolf said, tearfully. "It fell off the edge!"
"Oh no, what was it?"
"A gift from my friend. I promised him I would keep it safe." The werewolf sobbed. "I'm a bad promise keeper..."
The young kitsune then had an idea. He ran off for a few seconds, then came back. He had a fishing rod using rope as a line. He had tied the rope around his waist. "Where'd you drop it?" He asked.
The werewolf pointed down at a certain part of the misty canyon. "Here."
Emerald gave him the fishing rod. "When I tug on it twice, pull me up, okay?"
Emerald then jumped off the side of the crossing, and into the misty ravine.
Azure smiled. He remembered this fondly.
Then, the surrounding areas were enveloped by mist. "Argh. I can't see!" Lyte complained then lit a light with his Spark.
Then, in front of the party, the young Emerald descended with the rope onto the bottom of the misty canyon. He looked around, trying to find something. He then found a blue wooden box, grabbed it, and tugged the rope twice before being pulled back up.
As Emerald went up, the mist enveloped everyone again, but shortly receded, revealing the crossing.
The young werewolf felt the tug on the fishing rod, and reeled it in with all his might. He managed to pull Emerald up, all the way, and back onto the ground.
Emerald undid the rope around his waist and gave the werewolf the blue box. "This is it, right?"
The werewolf took it, happily. "Th-this is it! Thank you, so much!" The werewolf pup then grabbed the young kitsune and hugged him tightly.
"O-ok, easy!" Emerald said. "What is that box anyway?" He asked curiously.
The werewolf picked it up and opened it, revealing pictures of a tan fae. "It's some gifts from my friend. He and his family... moved away, and I don't think I'll see him again. He was not only a good friend... he was my only friend." The werewolf sighed.
The kitsune sat next to him and put his paw on his back. "I can be your friend." He said.
"You... you can?"
"I'd be glad to. My name's Emerald. What about you?"
"...Azure. My name's Azure." He smiled.
The Wielders chuckled. "You didn't tell me you were this cute as a kid, Azure." Lyte said.
Azure smiled, and wiped his eye. "I still remember that fondly. In fact, I remember all the good times with him."
The team saw another portal to another memory, and walked through it.

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