Chapter 10: The First Progeny

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"Through time and tale, the stories repeat
The fables of us, who bear this feat
Child of the Queen, who commands us gifted,
Lead us to victory, so evil is lifted."
- From "For Queen, Child, And Feral" by Lady Raida, First Wielder of Light, deceased.

Gertah was working on repairing the Spark of Emerald, he had to precisely use magic to 'weld' each piece back together. Any slip up, the Spark wouldn't hold in place. This went on for over an hour.
Wakai was supervising him, telling him what to do. After all, he was the brains, while Gertah was the arms.
Everyone watched in anticipation.
Lyte And The First observed silently.
Shard was sitting, trying to keep his cool image, but inside, he was stressed.
Darla was legitimately shaking with anticipation, holding Ning tightly.
Gail watched from the side of the bed, her fear rising.
Azure sweated And wiped some of it off.
Queen Aradia silently observed with her hands behind her back.
Queen Delilah looked more nervous, her hands in front of her, her index fingers tapping each other.
Ruby breathed heavily. She didn't know if it was working, and while she tried to keep herself calm, the prospect of Emerald being gone for good still haunted her.
Luka had her hand on Ruby's back, as a way to comfort her.

Gertah successfully used his magic to 'weld' the three Spark pieces back together, and picked it up with tweezers.
"Excellent. Now, set it down. At the forehead." Wakai instructed.
Gertah set the stone where it was, aligning it with the fourth fragment on Emerald's head. Gertah held it in place with the tweezers, while Wakai did the finishing touches. The final welding cycle lasting for over 20 minutes.
"Release." Wakai instructed. Gertah let go of the Spark. It didn't fall off; it was back into its rightful place.
The gem was a very dark green. It was so dark, it was hard to make out the green in it.
Wakai moved the gem around. It didn't feel dislodged, not any part of it. The procedure was finally complete.

"Heh heh heh heh..." Wakai chuckled. "That does it. It is finished! Well done, Gertah!" He raised his paw for a high five with the fae, but didn't get one. The fae observed Emerald, and didn't see any change.
"Did... it work? Is he alive?" Azure asked.
Darla walked over and put her hand on his Spark. "Hmm... I do not know. I cannot feel anything."
Ruby breathed heavily. "Was there.. something we didn't do? Are we... too late?"
The Queens walked over. "It was never proven that this would work, I'm afraid. It may have not." Aradia said.
Ruby looked dismayed. "We've done all we could, Ruby. At least we can't say we didn't try." Luka said.
Ning walked over and tapped his Spark. Azure walked over and grabbed his paw. "C'mon, E. Wake up. Please." Azure's voice cracked.
Gail stroked his fur with her paw, with what looked like remorse in her face.
"Calm down, guys. He may just be asleep. Or he's gone." Shard said.
Luka walked over. "Emerald, wake up! You got a soon-to-be-wife waiting on you, kitsune!" She picked up his head and shook it. "Come on! Wake up!"
Ruby moved Luka away. "Luka!" She climbed onto the bed with Emerald and lied down next to him. She put one paw on his head.
Then, through her watery eyes, she could see something. His Spark was brighter in color. In fact, it looked like it was getting brighter.
Azure tapped Emerald on the nose twice...


Everyone recoiled in surprise! Emerald sneezed, but that meant he came back!
Emerald moved his head slightly, his Spark increasing in color, with visible cracks. He opened his eyes and looked around, seeing everyone's faces.
"What's going on here, is there a party going on?" Emerald asked. His voice sounded weak.
He looked to his side, and found Ruby standing next to him on the bed. No words came out of either's mouths. Ruby wrapped her paws around Emerald, essentially hugging him. Her head was above his, with her tears raining down on him.
"Welcome back, my darling." She said tearfully.
"Hey, Ruby." He smiled.
Everyone was in awe and chuckled.
"Emerald, if you die on me yet again, I am going to kill you." Ruby said, not wanting to let him go.
"Oh no, did I do something stupid again?" He asked sheepishly.
Ruby sniffed. "No, not at all."
"Hey, E. Way to die twice and come back both times." Azure pat his paw.
"Welcome back, hero of Feral." Delilah greeted.
"You're unkillable, Emerald. Congrats!" Ning clapped.
Shard didn't say anything, he just smiled.
"Like the mightiest of oak trees, you still stand firm. Even in the darkest hour, and strongest of storms, you still stand high and firm. Well done, Wielder of Forest." The First complimented.
"Ruby, you got yourself an immortal future husband." Gail said silently.
"Thank you, everyone. Now what do we do?" Emerald asked.
"Yes, That. We have discussed with the First about some important things. We must go over them elsewhere, other than here." Aradia said.
"Emerald, how do you feel?" Delilah asked.
Ruby got off of him. Emerald tried to move his legs, but they were trembling so hard. He could barely stand on one. "Like crap." He said. "Also did I mention the migraine?"
"That is to be expected." Wakai said. "Your very being did break and was reassembled with what we had on hand. So in case you feel any nausea, dizziness, weakness, or cloudiness in the brain, that should be normal."
"Here, let me help." Azure walked up to him, and put Emerald over his shoulder. "Didn't forget about you, neither." He put Ruby on his other one, and piggybacked them to another room.
Emerald's head hurt. "So, what happened to me?" He asked.
"Your Spark was destroyed by that... thing. We managed to piece together it fragments and bring you back." Ruby said.
Emerald winced at the headache he had. "I'm starting to have gaps in my memory. I think you may have forgotten a few pieces." Emerald chuckled.
"Let's stop dying on each other, please." Ruby said.

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