Chapter 3: First Day

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Emerald's sanctuary stood empty in the plains. The big blue werewolf Azure walked up to it, drinking a sugary drink akin to coffee in a mug. He walked up to the front door and knocked on it.
"Hey, E! It's Az! I came to ask you something!" He yelled, trying to get the attention of someone who wasn't there.
"E? Emerald?" He looked into the window, and found the house empty. The lights were on, which was weird, considering it was morning.
"Huh. That's weird. E never turns the lights on in the morning." Azure thought to himself. Then, a thought clicked in his mind. "Oooh, maybe he left his house last night and left the lights on and went somewhere else! And I think I know where." He thought to himself.
Some time later, Azure was at Ruby's house. "Of all the places, this seems like to most likely place for E to be."
He walked up to door, and raised his paw to knock on it. As soon as he touched it, though, the door opened somewhat by itself.
"Oh. Huh. Ominous." He opened the door all the way and looked inside. He then walked in the house. "Hey, Ruby! Your front door was open. Is Emerald here?"
He was met with silence. He looked around the front room, and found a broken pile of glass, like someone threw it against the wall.
He walked into the next room, the living room. He looked around.
"E?" He went into the kitchen and found the cabinet open. "Rubes?" He walked into the bedroom. "Emerald?" He walked into the bathroom. "Ruby? Where are they?"
He heard noise coming in a nearby room. He opened the door, and found a strange tent with a crystal projector. The projected was showing the DVD menu of Finale. The sounds were coming from the menu's music.
"What the-?" Azure looked around. The window was broken, there was a hole in the wall, and an empty popcorn bowl and movie case in the tent.
Azure picked up the case and looked at it. She then gasped in absolute surprise. "Wait. Ruby has Defenders: FINALE?! Oh my queens! This is absolutely..." Azure looked around. He picked up the projector's remote control.
"I sure they won't mind." Azure said, sitting down and turning on the movie.

Meanwhile, back in the headquarters for the Wielders.
"So, yeah." Shard was talking to Lyte as they were walking down a hall. "He put up a fight, see? But I whupped him with mah eyes closed. He was quite a challenge, I say."
Lyte looked at Shard through his sunglasses. "He wasn't even armed, Shard. Quit your squabbling."
Lyte walked to the guest bedroom door. He opened the door slightly, trying not disturb them. He looked at the bed, and found it empty. He looked down and found the two sleeping next to each other on the floor.
"O-oh. Oh my." He said.
"So how our guests doin'?" Shard tried to peek in. Lyte covered his eyes with his claw. "AY, AY, AY! WHAT ARE YOU-"
Lyte train pushing him away. "Retain your innocence, Shard."
"What are you talkin' about?!"
"REATIN YOUR INNOCENCE!" Lyte faintly yelled as he closed the door.

A few minutes later.
Emerald rustled under the covers. He opened his eyes reluctantly. They then snapped open back into reality.
"Oh. Right." Emerald got up, stretched and shook his fur.
He looked at Ruby, still sound asleep. He looked around and opened the door, causing light to fill the room.
Ruby rustled around and opened her eyes drowsily. She lifted her head and looked at Emerald. "Good morning, Emerald."
"Good morning to you, Ruby." He smiled at her.
Ruby yawned and stretched. She walked by to Emerald's side, and the two left the room.
The two looked around the hallway, and found no one. Emerald felt something at his feet. It was a letter from Lyte.
"If you two are awake, come downstairs to the tavern for a good brecky."
The two walked down the hallway and to the stairs to go to the tavern.

The tavern resembled a bar of some kind. There were crystals hung all over the room, acting as both decoration and lights.
Behind the bar, there were drink bottles hanging in cabinets. Ning was there behind the counter, cooking some eggs for the Wielders with a stove.
Shard was asleep on a chair, the table next to him with an incomplete ice sculpture of himself, and a crystal radio, reading morning news.
Lyte was reading The Expanseful Post, Feral's top news posting service. He was reading through it, drinking a beverage.
Gail and Darla were sitting next to each other. Darla was listening to the radio, while Gail was reading a book.
"The winning lottery numbers are: 1, 3, 17, 532, The word 'phallus', And a picture of a senri. Turn in your tickets now an receive your prize. And now, back to weather." The radio then played a little jingle. "This morning's weather forecast. From 8 A.M, to 12 P.M, clear skies and sunny weather. Current temperature is 89 degrees Feralnheit, with an estimated high of 101 degrees. Local meteorologists refer this weather as 'damn that's hot'. Now, back to our story: 'City Fera stocks 'buy themselves', 'what the hell' say stock market analysts." The radio continued on.
Ning finished making the eggs, and carried seven plates by herself, three on each arm, and one on her head. "Breakfast is ready." She gave each Wielder a plate before sitting down at a table.
"Thank you, Ning." Darla quietly said, nervously.
Gail heard her. "I heard that, Darla. Don't sound so nervous."
"I'm sorry, it's just that... Ning is so..." Darla couldn't find a way to finish her sentence.
Gail chuckled. "Nervousness gets you nowhere, my ex-Dark Spark friend."

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