Chapter 5: Bloodbath Battle

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Emerald woke up on the floor-bed greeting the next day. He looked to his side.
"Hey, Emerald." It was Gail?
Emerald raised his body up. "Gail? Where's Ruby?"
"She's Ah... doing something." Gail said nervously.


Ruby woke up, hanging upside down. She drowsily opened her eyes, and looked around. She then realized she was somewhere else, and freaked out.
"Where am I?!" She screamed.
She saw a small note.
"Sorry, Tundra girl, but the kitsune is mine. Take him back if you dare.
Thanks in advance, Gail. :)"
Ruby growled and wormed her way out of her rope prison. She landed on the floor, and opened the door. She was in the utility closet in the hallway. She angrily stomped towards her and Emerald's room.
She bursted through the door. And found Gail talking to her boyfriend.
"Oh, Ruby! I was about to go and search for you." Emerald said.
Gail's eye twitched.
"Where were you, anyway?" He asked.
Ruby paused, and tried to make a smile on her face. "...nowhere important. Also, I heard Gail needs to go. Mister Shard needs him."
Gail growled silently. Ruby began pushing her out of the room.
"You know what? You're right, thank you for reminding me, Ruby. I'll be back soon, Emerald."
"Please." Ruby said, then leaned into her ear. "Don't bother, wench."
"This isn't over, snow girl." Ruby pushed Gail out of the room and closed the door. Ruby Then calmed herself down.
"Are... you Okay? Like, seriously?"
"Yeah. Yeah."
"Cause you don't, sound very okay. You sound pissed."
"I'm okay, okay?"
"Good." She shook her fur and stretched her legs. "Let's get on with it, then."
The two walked out their room and went to the tavern.
Gail observed them angrily.
Darla put her hand On Gail's shoulder.
"Jealousy. You're jealous about Ruby, aren't you?"
"N-no! Absolutely no-yes I am." She sounded defeated.
"Gail, you may have feelings for Emerald, but I confirm it. Ruby loves him far more than you. That's how they conquered over Daran and saved everyone's Spark. Yours, included."
"Sometimes, Gail, things are not meant to be. It is just like that."
"Trying to demotivate me, huh? Well, my Dark Spark friend, it's not going to work this time."
Gail strutted off, but Darla's words had already reached her. She didn't want to accept them, but part of her did.

Later, in the tavern.
The gang just had the heartiest breakfast they've had in a while. Emerald and Ruby were impressed by Lyte's cooking.
"So, Lyte." Emerald got his attention. "What are we doing today against the Arcana Corporation?"
"Did you not remember? The First tells what to do. I don't. Until she assigns us something..."
Lyte walked over to a recliner chair and leaned back. "We Wait." He said in a relaxed voice.
Emerald and Ruby were listening to the radio again, wondering what was going on in the world while they were MIA.
"That was Feral Comedy, brought to you by the Arcana Corporation, turning a dim today into a bright tomorrow. And now back to our story: Strange hooded individuals spotted at City Fera after hours."
Lyte heard the radio, and it got his attention. "Oh, that's us."
Everyone else in the room listened to it.
"Eyewitnesses report that last night, 10 PM, that hooded figures were seen around City Fera. These mysterious figures are believed to have been responsible for the reported robbery at the still-under construction Spark Therapy Clinic. Arcana Corporation's Vice President, Polobold, confirms that several crimes have been committed relating to these hooded figures, including robbery, and in some cases, murder. Polobold refers to these figures as, 'hostile and heartless.' However, interviews seem to contradict this, mostly the one with a young kitsune named Olivia, who was held hostage at the Lakeroot Valley Museum incident that occurred yesterday. Olivia says that she was rescued by characters that meet the descriptions of the figures. More research will have to be-"
Shard turned the radio channel. "I hate dis channel."
"Shard!" Ruby exclaimed. She took the radio from him and tuned it back to the news.
Lyte got up out of his chair and left the room.
"-urthermore... search parties have been rallied all over the expanses to find missing civilians, Emerald and Ruby. If you have any information about Emerald and/or Ruby, please contact your nearest representative of the Feral Keeper Core."
"What do you think Azure is doing right now?" Ruby asked.
"Knowing him, he's probably searching for us high and low. When he's concerned, he doesn't sleep or eat. He is, heh, the most determined werewolf I've met." Emerald chuckled.
"Aw, that's a sweet sentiment. He must be so... I feel so bad." Ruby remorsefully said.
Emerald grabbed his cup of water. "Be right back. Gonna refill."
Emerald walked off, and Ruby yawned. Suddenly, she felt a burst of wind, bombard her face. It was strong enough to push her chair backwards. It stopped right next to Gail, who just used her magic to blow her next to her.
"Ugh. What do you want, airhead? Come to come after my Emerald?"
"Hey, uh." She nervously chuckled. "I feel like we came off on the wrong start. Sorry, Ruby."
Ruby was confused about Gail's sudden change. "Huh? Why are you so-"
"Look, I'm sorry. I saw Emerald, and just... *sigh* he looks handsome, y'know?" The two looked at Emerald, trying to make the water tap work. He was a mostly patient kitsune, but the tap was testing him.
"He is. What made you think he had feelings for you?" Ruby asked.
Gail inhaled. "...nothing actually. He just looked like a good Spark, and who could resist him?"
"Wait. You fell head over tail for him, because he looked nice? Did you not feel the 'click'?" Ruby asked, confused.
"Isn't That why you loved him?"
"Just because someone looks nice... that doesn't mean they are."
"Then... how did you know he truly loves you? In fact, how do you know someone truly loves you?"
Ruby raised her paw. "The click. There's that feeling two sparks feel in their head when they look at each other. Makes you feel fuzzy inside. Makes you... stutter a lot. That feeling. If both lovers feel that... then there you go. That's how you know."
Gail thought about it. "Hmm. Just like that, huh? I thought you fell in love with him because he saved you during that whole... thing that occurred a few months back. Because of his... unique gift."
"No, that was never it. Though we never said it aloud to each other, we... kind of had feelings for each other long before the hell that unfolded. And besides, ability to make flowers or not..."
Emerald started aggressively turning the tap on and off, angrily.
"He... is still the same kitsune I love before those days of darkness unfolded. Though, I will say, that time facing death in face, it's made us grow together more. There was one time that Emerald..."
Gail felt her feeling before. "A time Emerald nearly died?" She finished for her.
Ruby shook her head. "Did die." Gail gasped in shock. "I was so afraid."
"But... he's still alive. How did-"
"Elf magic. Eli was his name."
"WAIT. An actual elf?" Gail was in complete surprise.
Ruby chuckled. "Long story, maybe he'll write a book about those events. He does want to be a writer."
Emerald walked back to the table, his fur all wet.
"It look much anger, tears, and four minutes, but I am back." He set his drink on the table, and slumped on the chair.
Gail looked at the sink behind the bar, which was spurting water by itself. "Uh, did he break..."
"Heh. I love him. He's nice, sweet, and has a sense of humor." Ruby said.
"That last thing is an existential to any boyfriend. My last one? Any joke or metaphor went straight over his head. Takes everything literally." Gail began laughing.
"Sounds like you've had quite the adventures before this whole thing. Which does beg the question, Gail. How did you become a Wielder?"
"That. It was quite interesting. W-"
Lyte barged through the doors. "Everyone in here, up and at 'em! We're needed!"

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