Chapter 8: Reduced to Pieces

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Before I get into the story, I'm proud to announce something: Me and Perilplayz have done a crossover with our Feral OCs!
In celebration of this, enjoy this horrendous meme:

Before I get into the story, I'm proud to announce something: Me and Perilplayz have done a crossover with our Feral OCs! In celebration of this, enjoy this horrendous meme:

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Look up Peril's story 'The Blood Tundra' and check it out! Okay advertisement over, where were we?
Oh, yeah Emerald ded

Oh shattered skies and boilin' seas
Is a ruined Feral our gift to we?
A thousand miles and a thousand trials
Whisper on the wind
For meeee....
Gail was singing a song she heard in some video game. She thought it would fit the current scenario.
The Wielders were all in a temporary holding prison cell. Until the court with the queens can begin, the Wielders, except the First and Emerald's body were in a cell, watched by two guards.
"Well, it could be worse. We could be actually going to jail, or worse, banished to the Betwixt." Ning assured.
"The what?" Lyte knew a lot of things, but didn't have the foggiest on what she just said.
"What do you think the First is doing?" Darla asked.
"Who knows, cause I don't care, I'm starving!" Shard back was facing everyone else. He then turned around, holding a bucket of red ice.
"Snow cone?" He offered one to Darla. Darla simply scooted away in disgust.
"Ey, how bout you Rubester? Snow cone?"
Ruby was sitting in the corner, her head looking down and facing away from everyone. Clutching the locket with her paw, didn't make a single noise. She was too held back by heartache to talk to anyone.
"Poor girl. It isn't easy losing one you love, through death or breakups, and not telling them how you felt yet. However, I've learned one thing about things that end: don't cry because it's over, smile because of what happened." Gail said. "Take my first boyfriend, Dustin. On our first date, me and him went to a petting zoo, and he wanted to show off by taming some Feramingos. He said he was skilled, and a feramingo whisperer." Gail chuckled. "Poor guy had half of his liver and most of his intestines ripped out after that. Hospitalized for about 9 months." Her smile immediately disappeared as soon as she began that next sentence. "Everyone calls him King of Rabid Birds. Broke up after that."
Everyone was disturbed by her story.
Lyte inhaled. "Two things Gail. First of all, what the hell? Secondly, what significance does this have with Ruby?"
"Ruby, what I'm saying is, you gotta move on, and don't linger that Emerald died. Instead, think about the positives. Whatever those are. You hear me?" Gail weakly smiled.
Ruby didn't respond.
The cell door opened. "The Queens wish to have a word with you all." A guard said. He pointed his spear. "This way."
Everyone exited the cell, with Ruby being last.

The Wielders were escorted to the Queen's throne room. Very few Sparks were allowed to even glimpse at even the carpet. The First was standing in front of the thrones, as if she was waiting for them. She was also talking with Azure and Luka.
"So, you guys aren't criminals?" Azure needed confirmation.
"That's What She said, Azure. Being their leader, this must be the truth." Luka replied.
The First turned around and saw the Wielders.
"Wielders. It is good to you all, again." She nodded.
Azure and Luka looked in the crowd and saw Ruby.
"Ruby." Luka said, and walked over to her. She got onto on her knees and out her hands over Ruby's shoulders. "Thank the Queens you're all right." She smiled.
"Hey, Luka." Ruby said, her voice silent.
"Are you.. Alright? What's wrong?"
Azure looked around. "Ruby? Where's E?"
Ruby's began watering again, and she tried to face away from them as more tears fell.
A kitsune ran into the room. "They're coming! Everyone, please bow in the presence of your queens, Aradia and Delilah. May the queens have mercy on your souls."

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