Chapter 4: Enemy (Un?)Known

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Ruby's house.
Azure had spent three hours watching Defenders: Finale. He loved it.
"W-Wow. Next to Archetype, that was one of the best movies I've ever seen." Azure was amazed.
The credits finished. Azure exhaled and looked around. "What was I doing here again?"
"Oh, I remember!" Azure got up. "I gotta find Emerald. Wherever he is."
He walked around the house, and noticed something he didn't earlier. The backdoor was open.
"Hmm. That's odd." Azure walked and looked at the wall next to it. There was... something imbedded into the wall. Like a really big rock. Pieces of the wall were on the floor.
Azure exited and walked into the backyard. He then caught a whiff of something... terrible. "What the-"
Azure looked, and found three corpses, rotting there for almost a day.
"Oh. OH. OH MY."
Azure stumbled backwards. "EMERALD! RUBY! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!" He ran out the front door, panicking.

Meanwhile, back at the Wielder base.
The Wielders teleported back into the base. All of them looked slightly agitated at Emerald and Ruby. Lyte sighed and carried the knocked out crook to another room.
Ning carried Shard's body to another room. Everyone followed.

Ning set it down, and sighed.
"Ning..." Ruby tried to comfort her. "I'm sorry about-"
Ning pulled a crystal out of a cabinet, and snapped it, causing strange magic particles to fall out. She sprinkled it over Shard's body. The wound disappeared. Emerald and Ruby were surprised.
Ning then rubbed her paws together, causing massive amount of electricity to form. "Clear!" She slammed them down on his body, shocking Shard.
"AE!" Shard woke up. He looked at Emerald and Ruby, in total shock and confusion.
"What are you lookin' at?" Shard asked. He then jumped of the table, and stomped off in a huff.
Ning added a tally mark on a list that simply read 'Shard'. "How many times has he died?" Ning talked to herself. "I'm actually getting impressed."
"W-w-Whaaa?" Both were confused.
"Oh, Yeah. I should probably explain. You see, Shard did and didn't die, so to speak. You two know how Sparks work, right?"
"To an extent." Ruby shrugged.
"Well, you see, Shard's vessel died, but his Spark didn't. The body and the soul are two completely different things. If the body is destroyed, then the soul lives, and can be 'revived' by fixing the body. Normally, this magic has been long forgotten, but the First managed to preserves that long lost magic." Ning explains.
Emerald had bad memories of a similar situation.
"Wait." Ruby was curious. "Who's the First?"
"She's our boss. Leads us, wants us to protect the Realms and beyond. Rarely ever appears." Ning said.
"Hold on. I thought Lyte was your boss." Emerald said.
"Nah, he's more of a squad leader than anything. Speaking of him, he's going to need a talk with you later, I bet."
Emerald and Ruby looked nervous.

Emerald and Ruby went to the tavern, taking a drink.
Wakai and Gertah, were discussing about their tailoring. Wakai was stitching more Wielder hoods.
"No no no! The medallion has to have a flower on it!"
"Getata merne fertsen!"
"No no no, not the tree, the flower!"
"Whenis blundra chaptersicks?"
"I don't care about what your opinion, I'M the tailor!" Wakai slammed his paws on the table.
"Aeigh whant brethuv thewiled too..." Gertah muttered to himself, engraving a symbol on the medallion of Emerald's hood.
"So, how do you think we get back our powers?" Ruby asked.
"Who knows? We may never. Or, the queens forbid, these guys will force some kind of rigorous, mentally exhausting training." Emerald took a sip of his drink. "And I am not looking forward to that." He exhaled.
"Hey, now." Gail said, sitting at another table. "Lyte's not that harsh. Even if he tries to be. Don't sweat it, really."
"Hope you're right, Gail." Both said.
Gail blushed a little. "Oh my queens he said my name!" She thought.
The radio at one of the tables was playing the afternoon news.
"The winner of Lakeroot Valley's pasta eating contest is team Rat Wall, consisting of Robin and Lillie. According to Lillie, she plans to spend her share of the reward money to donate to the Light-Up Fund, a charity movement determined to give Ex-Dark Sparks more friends. Robin insists that many others do the same. And now the answer to the age old question: When is the sequel to 'The Tale of Zella: Air of The Wilderness' coming out?"
The radio then played a jingle. Emerald recognized it. It was an administrative message, which usually reports missing civilians or ongoing events.
"This message is brought to you by you local civil authorities. Missing civilians have been reported. More information will be shared.
Missing citizen one information. Name: Emerald."
Emerald looked at the radio in surprise. "Huh?"
"Description: Primarily green kitsune with patches of white fur. Tails: one. Horns: medium length. Spark is reported to be green in color. Last known clothing was: a green and red necklace."
Gail And Ruby looked at him.
"Wait a minute... I'm missing?!" Emerald exclaimed.
"Missing citizen two information. Name: Ruby."
"Huh. Well, that figures." She said.
"Description: Primarily light pink senri, with small patches of white fur, along with lighter shades of pink. Tail: thin. Horns: none. Spark is reported to be red in color. Last known clothing was: a red and green necklace. Friend to previously mention missing citizen: Emerald."
"Last known location is believed to be a sanctuary address 0303, Feratta Prairie region. Said sanctuary was reported to be attacked by unknown attacks, which were then killed by unknown individuals, presumed to be Emerald and Ruby, out of self defense. Search parties have been rallied in nearby expanses and areas of Feratta Prairie. If you or anyone have any information on Emerald and Ruby, contact your local peacekeeper."

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